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Cygwin running script from one batch file?

I know when Cygwin installs there is a batch file that is used to launch it in Windows. But if I want to run a script without launching Cygwin and doing "./script"

How do I create a batch file to do that?

As in... just have one batch file that when clicked, opens Cygwin and runs the shell script.

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Aaron Avatar asked Nov 27 '11 04:11


People also ask

How do I write a bash script in Cygwin?

So you have to use simply /bin/ as path for bash. Do a simple check: into a CygWin terminal type the command ls /bin/bash.exe : it list the executable for bash. open a windows CMD and type the command dir C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe : it list the executable for bash.

2 Answers

To run "foo.bsh", create a batch file with the following contents and run it:

    set PATH=C:\cygwin\bin;%PATH%
    c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe c:\path\to\foo.bsh

The "C:\cygwin\bin" part can differ depending on your chosen install location of cygwin.

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Jakob Buron Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Jakob Buron

You might try something like this to trampoline from CMD to BASH (or whatever sh-variant):

    @echo off
    bash -c "exit 0" || (echo.No bash found in PATH! & exit /b 1)
    bash "%~f0" "%*" 
    goto :EOF 
    #!/bin/bash  -- it's traditional!
    echo "Hello from $SHELL"
like image 35
Austin Hastings Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 14:09

Austin Hastings