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Customizing Zuul Exception


I have a scenario in Zuul where the service that the URL is routed too might be down . So the reponse body gets thrown with 500 HTTP Status and ZuulException in the JSON body response.

{   "timestamp": 1459973637928,   "status": 500,   "error": "Internal Server Error",   "exception": "com.netflix.zuul.exception.ZuulException",   "message": "Forwarding error" } 

All I want to do is to customise or remove the JSON response and maybe change the HTTP status Code.

I tried to create a exception Handler with @ControllerAdvice but the exception is not grabbed by the handler.


So I extended the Zuul Filter I can see it getting into the run method after the error has been executed how do i change the response then. Below is what i got so far. I read somewhere about SendErrorFilter but how do i implement that and what does it do?

public class CustomFilter extends ZuulFilter {      @Override     public String filterType() {         return "post";     }      @Override     public int filterOrder() {          return 1;     }      @Override     public boolean shouldFilter() {         return true;     }      @Override     public Object run() {         final RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();         final HttpServletResponse response = ctx.getResponse();         if (HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.value() == ctx.getResponse().getStatus()) {             try {                 response.sendError(404, "Error Error"); //trying to change the response will need to throw a JSON body.             } catch (final IOException e) {                 e.printStackTrace();             } ;         }          return null;     } 

Added this to the class that has @EnableZuulProxy

@Bean public CustomFilter customFilter() {     return new CustomFilter(); } 
like image 335
Grinish Nepal Avatar asked Apr 06 '16 20:04

Grinish Nepal

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1 Answers

We finally got this working [Coded by one of my colleague]:-

public class CustomErrorFilter extends ZuulFilter {      private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomErrorFilter.class);     @Override     public String filterType() {         return "post";     }      @Override     public int filterOrder() {         return -1; // Needs to run before SendErrorFilter which has filterOrder == 0     }      @Override     public boolean shouldFilter() {         // only forward to errorPath if it hasn't been forwarded to already         return RequestContext.getCurrentContext().containsKey("error.status_code");     }      @Override     public Object run() {         try {             RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();             Object e = ctx.get("error.exception");              if (e != null && e instanceof ZuulException) {                 ZuulException zuulException = (ZuulException)e;                 LOG.error("Zuul failure detected: " + zuulException.getMessage(), zuulException);                  // Remove error code to prevent further error handling in follow up filters                 ctx.remove("error.status_code");                  // Populate context with new response values                 ctx.setResponseBody(“Overriding Zuul Exception Body”);                 ctx.getResponse().setContentType("application/json");                 ctx.setResponseStatusCode(500); //Can set any error code as excepted             }         }         catch (Exception ex) {             LOG.error("Exception filtering in custom error filter", ex);             ReflectionUtils.rethrowRuntimeException(ex);         }         return null;     } } 
like image 180
Grinish Nepal Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Grinish Nepal