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How to center the editor window back on the cursor in VSCode?


I'm using VSCode as my text editor. I'm curious, is there a keybinding for centering the editor window on the cursor, when the window is a lot of lines below/above it such that it's not visible on the screen? I've tried looking at the default keybindings by going to FIle > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts, but I see no such options for centering the window.

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James Ko Avatar asked Dec 11 '16 03:12

James Ko

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3 Answers

There is no such keybinding / command built-in.

I couldn't stand that either, so I created a VSCode extension. You can find it and install it here on the marketplace. The default shortcut is CTRL + L.

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kwood Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10


If you are using vscodevim, zz should work.

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Martin Ney Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10

Martin Ney

If you want to always keep the cursor on the center, you can change the setting Cursor Surrounding Lines to a really high number (100 is ok) and that should work.

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MARTIN ANSELMO IDUYA Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10