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Vuejs js for multiple pages, not for a single page application


I need to build an application using laravel 5.3 and vuejs 2, because I need to use two-way binding rather than use jquery.

I need to set up the views with blade templates. Then, I need to use vuejs in each page as mentioned below.


<script>     const panel = new Vue({         el: '#list-panel',         name: 'list',         data: {                           message: 'Test message'         },         methods: {             setMessage: function(){                 this.message = 'New message';             }         }    }) </script> 


<div id="panel" class="panel panel-default">     <div class="panel-heading">Posts</div>      <div class="panel-body">        <p>{{ message }}</p>        <button v-on:click="setMessage">SET</button>     </div> </div> 

There is Add.vue to create.blade.php etc... In Add.vue el: '#add-panel'

This is my app.js. I already commented default code like follows.

Vue.component('list', require('./components/List.vue')); Vue.component('add', require('./components/Add.vue'));  // const app = new Vue({ //     el: '#app' // }); 

I hardly checked most of documentations and tutorials. But they use a single js file. They use components for small elements with template, not only js.

Is it possible to use vuejs this way? Do I need to use app.js. What is the best way to do this?

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Dinuka Thilanga Avatar asked Jan 09 '17 01:01

Dinuka Thilanga

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📖 Rule Details. This rule require component names to be always multi-word, except for root App components, and built-in components provided by Vue, such as <transition> or <component> . This prevents conflicts with existing and future HTML elements, since all HTML elements are a single word.

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1 Answers

If you want to sprinkle a bit of vuejs within your blade files you have basically two options:

Option #1

Declare global Vue components


// in laravel built in app.js file  Vue.component('foo', require('./components/Foo.vue')); Vue.component('bar', require('./components/Bar.vue'));  const app = new Vue({     el: '#app' }); 

create a main layout file where the root div has an id of #app

// layout.blade.php  <html>   <header></header>   <body>     <div id="app">       @yield('content')     </div>   </body> </html> 

Finally in your views:

//some-view.blade.php  @extends('layout')  @section('content')  <foo :prop="{{ $someVarFromController }}"></foo> @endsection 

Option #2

This is what I am currently using, and gives me more flexibility actually

// in laravel built in app.js file  const app = new Vue({     el: '#app',     components: {       Foo: require('./components/Foo.vue'),       Bar: require('./components/Bar.vue')     } }); 

In the layout file you will be using vuejs dynamic components

<html>   <header></header>   <body>     <div id="app">       @if (isset($component))         <component :is={{ $component }} inline-template>       @endif           @yield('content')       @if (isset($component))        </component>      @endif     </div>   </body> </html> 

In your views:

//some-view.blade.php  @extends('layout', ['component' => 'foo'])  @section('content')    // all the vue stuff available in blade    // don't forget to use the @ symbol every time you don't want blade to parse the expression.   // Example: @{{ some.vue.propertie }} @endsection 

And finally you can create the vue components like you always would

// resources/assets/js/components/foo.vue  <script> export default {  // the component } </script> 
like image 130
Helder Lucas Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 01:09

Helder Lucas