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Custom elements in iteration require 'v-bind:key' directives

In my Nuxt app I have the following line that triggers the error mentioned in the title of this question:

<template v-for="(project, index) in existingProjects">
    <span :key="project.projectId"></span>

I tried to have the :key attribute on the template element and I also tried to use just index as the key, to no avail.

Any idea?

like image 980
drake035 Avatar asked Jun 06 '19 11:06


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1 Answers

There are multiple ways to solve your problem :

  1. You want to iterate on a template : You have to put a key on all elements in your template because you can not put a key on a template: <template> cannot be keyed. Place the key on real elements instead.
<template v-for="(project, index) in existingProjects">
    <span :key="project.projectId">foo</span>
    <div :key="project.projectId">bar</div>
  1. You can iterate on something else than a template : You just put the key on the parent html tag.
<div v-for="(project, index) in existingProjects" :key="project.projectId">
like image 99
BTL Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 20:10