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Cannot find module './src/data' with vue-cli




I created a project with vue-cli 4.1.1, and after running yarn serve, i got the following error

Error: [BABEL] C:\dev\vuestudy\src\main.js: Cannot find module './src/data' (While processing: "C:\\dev\\vuestudy\\node_modules\\@vue\\cli-plugin-babel\\preset.js")

Any tips on this?

Thanks in advance.


Kousha and Dave are right,after waiting for the core-js package update, I created a new project, and now it's working.

like image 797
Elder Carvalho Avatar asked Dec 02 '19 18:12

Elder Carvalho

2 Answers

It looks like there's been a bad build of npm package core-js-compat. This is a deep-down dependency of Babel. Lots of things will be affected, things that use Babel.

You will experience this problem if you have core-js-compat v.3.4.6. You can check this by doing npm list core-js-compat. The problem is apparently fixed by v.3.4.7, which was pushed out pretty quickly, about half-an-hour later, but unfortunately it takes a while to spread out through the repositories. You can either wait until an npm update gets you v.3.4.7 or you can go manually download v.3.4.7 if you want to get going right away.

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Dave Clark Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09

Dave Clark

This is a bug with core-js-compat v3.4.6, but already the fix has gone with v3.4.7. See https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/712 for more detail.

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Kousha Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09
