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Custom angular2 form input component with two way binding and validation inside a component

Is there a way to make a two way binding input component, that can also have a validation inside the component?

What I'm trying to achieve is to have a components that I could line up in my forms as follows:

<form #f="ngForm">
            <my-form-input [(inputModel)]="name" [inputField]="myFormInputName"></my-form-input>
            <my-form-input [(inputModel)]="name2" [inputField]="myFormInputName2"></my-form-input>
            <my-form-input [(inputModel)]="lastItem" [inputField]="lastItemName"></my-form-input>


I have a following setup and can't figure out, how to make it right:

The component:

import {Component,Input, Output,EventEmitter} from 'angular2/core'
import {FORM_DIRECTIVES}    from 'angular2/common';

  selector: 'my-form-input',
  directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES],
    <input type="text" class="form-control"  id="i1" required [ngModel]="inputModel" (ngModelChange)="onChangeInput($event)" ngControl="ctrl" #ctrl="ngForm"/>
    <p>{{"Is field valid? I would like to make some decisions here depending on that: "+ctrl.valid}}</p>

export class InputComponent {


  @Input()  inputField:string;
  @Input()  inputModel: Object;
  @Output() inputModelChange = new EventEmitter();


The app:

//our root app component
import {Component} from 'angular2/core'
import {FORM_DIRECTIVES}    from 'angular2/common';
import {InputComponent} from './my.input'

  selector: 'my-app',
  providers: [],
  template: `
      <p>Is there a way to make a custom 2 way binding form input component having also validation?</p>
      <form #f="ngForm">

        <my-form-input [(inputModel)]="name" [inputField]="myFormInputName"></my-form-input>

  directives: [InputComponent,FORM_DIRECTIVES]
export class App {
  constructor() {
    this.name = 'Angular2'

I also made a Plunker to ilustrate my problem: http://plnkr.co/edit/0vXjHbQmv7v7EKQcLWaa?p=preview

like image 240
Andris Krauze Avatar asked Jan 15 '16 12:01

Andris Krauze

People also ask

What is used for two way data binding in angular2?

Angular's two-way binding syntax is a combination of square brackets and parentheses, [()] . The [()] syntax combines the brackets of property binding, [] , with the parentheses of event binding, () , as follows.

Is angular2 support two way data binding only?

Angular v2+ supports two-way data binding using ngModel directive and also by having getter and setter methods.

Is @input two way data binding?

The answer is "no". In your example, the value that you pass to the @Input property is a reference to an object. If you had two-way binding, you could assign a new object to that property in the child component: this.

What is one way data binding and two way data binding in Angular?

In one-way binding, the flow is one-directional. In a two-way binding, the flow is two-directional. This means that the flow of code is from ts file to Html file. This means that the flow of code is from ts file to Html file as well as from Html file to ts file.

1 Answers

You can pass the form control to your component to create a dedicated control for the input. Based on this new control to display errors when their valid attributes are false:

  selector: 'my-form-input',
  directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES],
  template: `
    <input type="text" class="form-control"  id="i1"   
    <p>Is field valid? I would like to make some decisions
       here depending on that: {{formCtrl.controls[inputField].valid}}
export class InputComponent implements OnInit {
  @Input()  inputField:string;
  @Input()  formCtrl;
  @Input()  inputModel: Object;
  @Output() inputModelChange = new EventEmitter(); 

  ngOnInit() {
        this.inputField, new Control('', Validators.required));


You need to use the addControl method to make the state of your whole form consistent with controls you created within your input components.

In your case, you define your controls inline using the ngControl directive. I made some tests but I can't make it work this way...

Here is the way to use this component from the parent one:

  selector: 'my-app', 
  template: `
    <form #f="ngForm">
      <my-form-input [(inputModel)]="name" [inputField]="myFormInputName" [formCtrl]="f"></my-form-input>
  directives: [ FORM_DIRECTIVES, InputComponent ]
export class AppComponent {

It remained a check problem just after starting. The global state of the form wasn't updated and the following error occured:

Expression '
    Valid : {{f.valid}} in AppComponent@1:24' has changed after it was checked. Previous value: '
    Valid : true'. Current value: '
    Valid : false'

To fix this aspect, have a look at the Julien's answer based on the ChangeDetectorRef class and its detectChanges method...

Here is a sample plunkr: https://plnkr.co/edit/Z4uOUq2q4iXdpo0J6R1o?p=preview.

like image 52
Thierry Templier Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10

Thierry Templier