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Are impure pipes in Angular 2 (pure = false) bad for my performance?

I have a translate pipe, which accepts a string as key, and returns the translated string from a dictionary. The pipe looks like this:

import {Pipe, PipeTransform} from 'angular2/core';
import {TranslateService} from './translate.service';

    name: 'translate',
    pure: false
export class TranslatePipe implements PipeTransform {

    constructor(private _translateService : TranslateService) {
    transform(key: string): any {
        var translatedText = this._translateService.resources[key];
        if (translatedText)
            return translatedText;
        return key;

I use the pipe in my templates like this:


Which will be rendered in my HTML like this:

<div>Please enter a new password</div>

So far so good!

The TranslatePipe depends on the TranslateService, which holds a dictionary called resources with translations of the current language. The TranslateService's resource gets loaded with an ajax http call to a server, and it can get reloaded behind the scenes, if a user selects a different language.

Because i need my UI to update all texts when this happens, i have set the pure property of the pipe to false.

Everything works perfect, but the thing is, the pipe gets executed very often, since it's impure. If the user enters a 10 character password, change tracking starts on every key-down and key-up, and the pipe gets executed hundres of times for all different translated texts on the page.

The main question is: Is this a bad thing, and does it have much negative impact on the overall performance???

Or is there another way to force angular to reevaluate everything on demand, for example only when the language changes???

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Jeroen1984 Avatar asked Mar 31 '16 14:03


People also ask

Why use impure pipes carefully in Angular?

Impure pipes are required because angular ignores changes to composite objects. Impure pipes execute every time angular detects any changes regardless of the change in the input value.

What is the difference between pure pipe and impure pipe in Angular?

Pure pipes are the pipes which are executed only when a “PURE CHANGE” to the input value is detected. So impure pipe executes everytime irrespective of source has changed or not.

How do you specify impure pipes using pure property?

From the above code, the isPure method will check whether a pipe is pure or impure by looking at the pure property in @Pipe decorator. For impure pipes Angular calls the transform method on every change detection. For any input change to the pure pipe, it will call transform function.

Why Async pipe is impure?

Because of the way Promise s work, Angular's async pipe has to be impure (meaning that it can return different outputs without any change in input). The transform method on Pipe s is synchronous, so when an async pipe gets a Promise , the pipe adds a callback to the Promise and returns null.

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1 Answers

Impure pipes have quite an impact on performance, especially when they do non-trivial work like copying, filtering and sorting arrays.

Impure pipes are called on every change detection cycle, no matter what. It's wise to cache results if possible to avoid doing the same work over and over if possible.

Pure pipes are only called when the input value or parameters have changed.

If possible you can keep the pipe pure and instead add an additional parameter. Updating that parameter causes the pipe to be run again.

like image 193
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 13:10

Günter Zöchbauer