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CUDA: illegal combination of memory qualifiers




I have the following code:


#include "class.h"
int main () {}


class Class {
    void Function() {};

When I compile this code using the command nvcc -c main.cu -o main.o, I get the following errors:

class.h(3): warning: inline qualifier ignored for "global" function
class.h(3): error: illegal combination of memory qualifiers

I have a question about each of these errors. Why does it "ignore" the __global__ qualifier for the function, and why is the __global__ memory qualifier illegal in this context? I have read in the documentation that

E.2.10.2. Function Members
Static member functions cannot be __global__ functions.

However, my function is not a static member, as far as I know. Removing the __global__ line allows it to compile, and so does moving the __global__ and void Function(); lines into main.cu. If this actually ISN'T allowed, why does CUDA force this limitation, and what is a way to get around this while still maintaining structured code?

To clarify, I know no other way to make classes that have functions which can create GPU kernels. It seems to me like kernels can only be created from global functions in main.cu. I am fairly new to CUDA programming, so I may just be missing some CUDA conventions which may have been unclear to me. If this is the case, then please let me know so I can keep up with proper programming practice.

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Simon Ewing Avatar asked Nov 12 '16 02:11

Simon Ewing

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1 Answers

My understanding is that you want to use CUDA kernels in an OOP fashion. If this was the case, the class structure below should work:

// myclass.h
class MyClass {
        void call_kernel( ... );

// myclass.cu
void my_kernel( ... ) {
    // do some work

void MyClass::call_kernel() {
    // prepare data for the kernel, e.g. allocating memory, copying from host to device, etc.

    // run kernel
    my_kernel <<< ... >>>( ... );

    // copy results from device to host, clean up, etc.

Please note that if you have multiple classes containing kernel code, their source code file should all use .cu extension, and you should enable separate compilation.

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yhf8377 Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 07:09
