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Protecting QML source code from plagiarism

The goal is to come up with a way to protect your QML code from plagiarism. It is a problem, since the way QML was designed and implemented seems to be inexplicably unprotected in this regard. The only QML types which are somewhat protected are those implemented entirely in C++.

  • Qt resource files don't support any degree of protection
  • even if you compress the resource file, extracting data from it is still fairly trivial to anyone with moderate experience
  • QML files stored on the file system are practically there for the taking
  • the same applies to any remote QML files, aside from adding dependency on internet connection, it is easy to sniff on the network access and get the QML files through their urls
  • QML doesn't provide seem to provide any public API to allow users enough control over QML type resolution to protect their code

All in all, it almost looks like Qt deliberately skimps on QML code protection, one obvious candidate reason would be to force people into buying the insanely expressive commercial license, which features the QML compiler.

So absent any stock method of protecting QML sources, the only solution that currently comes to my mind is control over how QML types are resolved. There are several ways of registering types to QML:

  • register in the application executable
  • register in a plugin
  • register via a QML module

However, what I need is to manually resolve QML types, much like you can create a custom QQuickImageProvider which inputs a URL string and outputs an image, I need the QML engine to request a string with the type to my custom component provider which outputs a ready for object instantiation component.

This would be easy if any custom instantiation mechanism is used, but I need those types to be usable in regular QML sources. Ideally this should be the first mechanism used to resolve the type, before looking in the available import paths or even internally registered types.

Alternatively, it would be just as useful if there is a way to define a QML module entirely in C++, without any external QML files, without a qmldir file and so on.

As a last resort, and falling short from ideally, I would also settle for registering QML (not C++) types to the runtime, this could also be useful, but I'd prefer to have full control over the resolving process.

A QML plugin does not do the trick, as it registers C++ types, and I want to register QML types, that is, QQmlComponents created from string sources and referencing each other.

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dtech Avatar asked Jan 15 '16 15:01


3 Answers

The (ideal) Solution: Precompile it

The Qt Quick Compiler is a development add-on for Qt Quick applications which allows you to compile QML source code into the final binary. As it's description says, it will help on preventing plagiarism and it will also enhance your application launch times and provide other benefits.

This is as close as you can get to protecting your QML source code, even when it's not yet fully optimized


As of Qt 5.11 the solution is in place and getting better fast.

Update (2)

Seems the QML compiler is already opensource from 5.11 I can't tell about tooling but Lars Knoll explains it on the blog post.

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Ariel M. Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 14:11

Ariel M.

Option A) use qtquick compiler

Option B) use encrypted resources:

  1. compile resources into separated file: rcc -binary your_resource.qrc -o extresources.rcc

  2. encrypt extresources.rcc to extresources.rcc.cr (for example with gnupg)

  3. create a new resource file APP.rcc, only with extresources.rcc.cr file

  4. on startup, load ":/extresources.rcc.cr" and decrypt them into buffer (you need a cryptographic library like Libgcrypt ...hide private key for decompilers and debuggers etc)

  5. Q_CLEANUP_RESOURCE(APP); (optional, clear APP.rcc for saving memory)

  6. Resource::registerResource((unsigned char *) myBuffer.constData()))

//now, you have available decrypted resources...for example


Real implementation is not trivial, but works very good...

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Miguel Angel Pons Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 15:11

Miguel Angel Pons

Actually, you can register QML types in C++. The function qmlRegisterType has an overlapped form which accepts a QUrl denoting to a qml file in qrc:

qmlRegisterType(QUrl("qrc:/YourQMLModule.qml"), "YourModule", 1, 0, "YourQMLModule");

It just looks like you register a normal C++ class. It is commonly used in Qt's official sources, though be missing on the documentation.

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Jimmy Chen Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 14:11

Jimmy Chen