I've been running my tests via the terminal for a while now without any problems.:
cucumber Create\ New\ Game.feature
Which contains the following:
Feature: Create New Game
Given I am logged in
Scenario: Cleanup & New Game 01
Then I Delete all test Games
And the ruby:
Given(/^I am logged in$/) do
el = first("button[ttag='account_dropdown_btn']", :visible => true)
if el.nil?
logMeIn defined as:
# Logs the user in with given credentials
def logMeIn(username, password)
visit ENV['BASE_URL']
fill_in 'j_username', :with => username
fill_in 'j_password', :with => password
click_button 'Login'
None of the above has changed from when the tests were working until now. Today, when I start the tests, as soon as Firefox opens, I immediately get:
Background: # features/Create New Game.feature:4
Given I am logged in # features/step_definitions/Generic Steps.rb:1
arguments[0] is undefined (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::JavascriptError)
As you can see, it's failing on the first line. I don't know why.
I updated all my gems to make sure everything was fresh, but this didn't work. I thought it might have been a browser issue as my system automatically updated to Firefox 35.0 this morning. I uninstalled and tried 34 but it's still the same problem. None of the code has changed.
I don't know what other misconfiguration could've caused this as I haven't changed anything.
Can anyone help further with this error?
Yes, the issue is with Firefox 35. Downgrade to version 34. Perhaps it's the way you went about downgrading. I simply ran the new DMG installer and confirmed overwriting the existing app.
Direct link: https://download-installer.cdn.mozilla.net/pub/firefox/releases/34.0.5/mac/en-US/Firefox%2034.0.5.dmg (link referenced from https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/install-older-version-of-firefox)
More on this issue can be found here: https://code.google.com/p/selenium/issues/detail?id=8387
As Justin Ko commented, this is a bug with Firefox 35 and Selenium-WebDriver 2.44.0. The Selenium project has an issue ticket for it, and at time of writing, there is a pre-release gem (2.45.0.dev3) that includes the fix.
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