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CTest not detecting tests

I have a project with a structure

├── CMakeLists.txt ├── mzl.c ├── mzl.h └── tests     ├── CMakeLists.txt     ├── mzl-communication-test.c     ├── mzl-setup-test.c     ├── mzl-test-errors.c     └── mzl-test-errors.h 

Where the top directory CMakeLists.txt file is

project(mzl) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)  add_subdirectory(tests)  # Enable testing for the project enable_testing()  # Find zmq find_library(ZMQ_LIB zmq REQUIRED) message(STATUS "ZMQ Library: ${ZMQ_LIB}")  # Find threading library set(CMAKE_THREAD_PREFER_PTHREAD ON) find_package(Threads REQUIRED) message(STATUS "Threading Library: ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}")    # Set include directories for headers set     (     MZL_INCLUDE_DIRS     ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}     CACHE STRING "MZL Include Directories"     ) include_directories(${MZL_INCLUDE_DIRS})  # Set source files set     (     MZL_SRC_FILES     mzl.c     )  # Add library add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} STATIC ${MZL_SRC_FILES})  # Link to zmq target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${ZMQ_LIB} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}) 

and tests/CMakeLists.txt is

# Use MZL Source Directories (mzl headers are in top directory) include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR})  # Variable from here is empty message(STATUS "MZL Include Directories: ${MZL_INCLUDE_DIRS}")  # Files common to all tests set ( TEST_COMMON_SOURCES     mzl-test-errors.c     )  # Library setup/shutdown testing set(SETUP_TEST_NAME mzl-setup-test) add_executable(${SETUP_TEST_NAME} ${TEST_COMMON_SOURCES} ${SETUP_TEST_NAME}.c) target_link_libraries(${SETUP_TEST_NAME} ${PROJECT_NAME} ${ZMQ_LIB}) add_test(${SETUP_TEST_NAME} ${SETUP_TEST_NAME})  # Communcations test set(COMMUNICATION_TEST_NAME mzl-communication-test) add_executable(${COMMUNICATION_TEST_NAME} ${TEST_COMMON_SOURCES}     ${COMMUNICATION_TEST_NAME}.c) target_link_libraries(${COMMUNICATION_TEST_NAME} ${PROJECT_NAME}         ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT} ${ZMQ_LIB}) add_test(${COMMUNICATION_TEST_NAME}  ${COMMUNICATION_TEST_NAME}) 

Everything worked fine before I added the second test mzl-communication-test. After adding it and the lines in the tests/CMakeLists.txt after # Communications test, running ctest did nothing extra -- it still only ran the first test.

After deleting the build directory and running cmake again, I get no errors for the initial CMake run, but running make runs CMake again, resulting in an error with CMake:

CMake Error: Parse error in cache file build/CMakeCache.txt. Offending entry: include 

followed by a Make error:

Makefile:203: recipe for target 'cmake_check_build_system' failed make: *** [cmake_check_build_system] Error 1 

Running make again results in everything being built, including the tests; however, running ctest results in

Test project build No tests were found!!! 

The issue seems to be with something that I am doing with CMake, but can't figure out what to do from here as I can't see anything that I'm doing differently than when it was originally working. Even my last commit to git, which was working when I committed it, is no longer working.

like image 996
Daniel Underwood Avatar asked May 15 '15 02:05

Daniel Underwood

People also ask

How CTest works?

The CTest command supports a group of command line options that allow it to be used as the test executable to run. When used as the test executable, CTest can run CMake, run the compile step, and finally run a compiled test. We will now look at the command line options to CTest that support building and running tests.

Does CTest run tests in parallel?

Run the tests in parallel using the given number of jobs. This option tells CTest to run the tests in parallel using given number of jobs. This option can also be set by setting the CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL environment variable. This option can be used with the PROCESSORS test property.

1 Answers

You need to move the enable_testing() call to be before you do add_subdirectory(tests)

# Enable testing for the project enable_testing()  add_subdirectory(tests) 
like image 71
mshildt Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09
