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CSV to JSON Ruby Script?





Does anyone know how to write a Ruby script that would convert a csv file to a json file?

The CSV would be in this format:

Canon,Digital IXUS 70,"Epic, Epic 100",3x,Yes (lockable),Yes (lockable),Yes
Canon, Digital IXUS 75,"Epic, Epic 100",3x,Yes (lockable),Yes (lockable),Yes
Canon,Digital IXUS 80,"Epic, Epic 100",3x,Yes (lockable),Yes (lockable),Yes

and the JSON would need to result in this:

{ "aaData": [
[ "Canon" , "Digital IXUS 70" , "3x" , "Yes (lockable)" , "Yes (lockable)" , "Yes"],
[ "Canon" , "Digital IXUS 75" , "3x" , "Yes (lockable)" , "Yes (lockable)" , "Yes"],
[ "Canon" , "Digital IXUS 80" , "3x" , "Yes (lockable)" , "Yes (lockable)" , "Yes"]
like image 274
webbydevy Avatar asked Mar 18 '11 20:03


2 Answers

This is easy in ruby 1.9 where data is your csv data string

 require 'csv'
 require 'json'

like image 146
Michael Papile Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 08:10

Michael Papile

To go from:

1997,Ford,E350,"ac, abs, moon",3000.00
1999,Chevy,"Venture ""Extended Edition""","",4900.00
1999,Chevy,"Venture ""Extended Edition, Very Large""",,5000.00
1996,Jeep,Grand Cherokee,"MUST SELL!
air, moon roof, loaded",4799.00


  {:year => 1997, :make => 'Ford', :model => 'E350', :description => 'ac, abs, moon', :price => 3000.00},
  {:year => 1999, :make => 'Chevy', :model => 'Venture "Extended Edition"', :description => nil, :price => 4900.00},
  {:year => 1999, :make => 'Chevy', :model => 'Venture "Extended Edition, Very Large"', :description => nil, :price => 5000.00},
  {:year => 1996, :make => 'Jeep', :model => 'Grand Cherokee', :description => "MUST SELL!\nair, moon roof, loaded", :price => 4799.00}

Do this:

csv = CSV.new(body, :headers => true, :header_converters => :symbol, :converters => :all)
csv.to_a.map {|row| row.to_hash }
#=> [{:year=>1997, :make=>"Ford", :model=>"E350", :description=>"ac, abs, moon", :price=>3000.0}, {:year=>1999, :make=>"Chevy", :model=>"Venture \"Extended Edition\"", :description=>"", :price=>4900.0}, {:year=>1999, :make=>"Chevy", :model=>"Venture \"Extended Edition, Very Large\"", :description=>nil, :price=>5000.0}, {:year=>1996, :make=>"Jeep", :model=>"Grand Cherokee", :description=>"MUST SELL!\nair, moon roof, loaded", :price=>4799.0}]

Credit: https://technicalpickles.com/posts/parsing-csv-with-ruby

like image 44
Josh Dzielak Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10

Josh Dzielak