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How to parse a string representation of a hash




I have this string and I'm wondering how to convert it to a Hash.

"{:account_id=>4444, :deposit_id=>3333}"
like image 772
zoras Avatar asked Dec 23 '11 08:12


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The keys and value in hash tables are also . NET objects. They are most often strings or integers, but they can have any object type.

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hashCode() method of String class can be used to convert a string into hash code. hashCode() method will return either negative or positive integer hash values.

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The ActiveRecord#attributes is another method you can use. Given an active record, attributes returns a hash of all the attributes with their names as keys and the values of the attributes as values. The attributes method returns a hash where all the keys are strings.

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Hash#to_hash() is a Hash class method which returns the self – hash representation of the hash. Syntax: Hash.to_hash() Parameter: Hash values. Return: self object.

2 Answers

The way suggested in miku's answer is indeed easiest and unsafest.

eval '{:surprise => "#{system \"rm -rf / \"}"}'

Consider using a different string representation of your hashes, e.g. JSON or YAML. It's way more secure and at least equally robust.

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Jan Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 06:10


With a little replacement, you may use YAML:

require 'yaml'

p YAML.load(
  "{:account_id=>4444, :deposit_id=>3333}".gsub(/=>/, ': ')

But this works only for this specific, simple string. Depending on your real data you may get problems.

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knut Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 05:10
