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CSS way of looping a background image with cover or contain sizing

Say you are trying to animate a tilable background like this:

.container {    width: 160px;    height: 91px;  }  .bg {    width: 100%;    height: 100%;    background: url(http://i60.tinypic.com/2j2fhjm.jpg) repeat-x left center;    background-size: contain;    -webkit-animation: displace 2s linear infinite;    animation: displace 2s linear infinite;  }  @-webkit-keyframes displace {    from {      background-position: 0 center;    }    to {      background-position: 160px center;    }  }  @keyframes displace {    from {      background-position: 0 center;    }    to {      background-position: 160px center;    }  }
<div class="container">    <textarea class="bg"></textarea>  </div>

As soon as you change the dimensions of the container, the looping animation breaks!

Is there any way to make this responsive without JS?

like image 965
Vandervals Avatar asked Jun 09 '15 11:06


People also ask

How do I make the background image resize automatically in CSS?

Use background-size property to cover the entire viewport The CSS background-size property can have the value of cover . The cover value tells the browser to automatically and proportionally scale the background image's width and height so that they are always equal to, or greater than, the viewport's width/height.

Which CSS property allows you to easily make an image cover the entire background of an element via a URL?

The background-image CSS property sets one or more background images on an element.

Which CSS property is used to control the repetition of an image in the background write the syntax?

The background-repeat CSS property sets how background images are repeated. A background image can be repeated along the horizontal and vertical axes, or not repeated at all.

2 Answers

The problem is that, to make it responsive, you need to set the animated background-position using percentages.

But, when you set background-size as cover or contain, in some cases the width is adjusted to 100%. In this case, background-position using percentages is useless (won't move it).

The only way that I have found to manage this is moving the image to a pseudo element, and moving it. To keep the continuity, though, we will need two pseudo elements.

But that won't work on a textarea.

You didn't said anything about textarea being a requirement, so I am posting this. To show that it works on resize, hover it.

.container {    width: 160px;    height: 100px;    position: relative;    border: solid 1px black;    display: inline-block;  }  .container:nth-child(2) {     width: 220px;    }  .bg {      position: absolute;      width: 100%;      height: 100%;      overflow: hidden;  }    .bg:before, .bg:after {      content: "";      position: absolute;      width: 100%;      height: 100%;      background-image: url(http://i.stack.imgur.com/wBHey.png);      background-size: 100%;      animation: move 2s infinite linear;  }    .bg:before {      right: 100%;  }    @keyframes move {      from {transform: translateX(  0%);}        to {transform: translateX(100%);}  }
<div class="container">    <div class="bg"></div>  </div>  <div class="container">    <div class="bg"></div>  </div>

test image

like image 109
vals Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09


I was able to make it work by making the background twice as big.

I know this isn't the perfect solution, but maybe you can do a trick with the image size or something to make it look the way you wanted it to.

    .container {width: 160px;height: 91px;}      .bg {        width: 100%;        height: 100%;        background: url(http://i60.tinypic.com/2j2fhjm.jpg) repeat-x left center;        background-size: 200%;        -webkit-animation: displace 2s linear infinite;        animation: displace 2s linear infinite;      }      @-webkit-keyframes displace {        from { background-position: left center;        } to { background-position: 200% center; }      }      @keyframes displace {        from { background-position: left center;        } to { background-position: 200% center; }      }
<div class="container"><textarea class="bg"></textarea></div>
like image 41
Okku Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09
