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CSS flexbox not working in IE10

In IE10, this code isn't working correctly:

.flexbox form {     display: -webkit-flex;     display: -moz-flex;     display: -ms-flex;     display: -o-flex;     display: flex;     -webkit-flex-direction: row;     -moz-flex-direction: row;     -ms-flex-direction: row;     -o-flex-direction: row;     flex-direction: row; }  .flexbox form input[type=submit] {     width: 31px; }  .flexbox form input[type=text] {     width: auto;     display: -webkit-flex;     display: -moz-flex;     display: -ms-flex;     display: -o-flex;     display: flex;     -webkit-flex: auto 1;     -moz-flex: auto 1;     -ms-flex: auto 1;     -o-flex: auto 1;     flex: auto 1; } 

What should happen is that input[type=submit] should be 31px wide, with input[type=text] taking up the rest of the available space within form. What happens is input[type=text] just defaults to 263px for some reason.

This works fine in Chrome and Firefox.

like image 680
JacobTheDev Avatar asked Aug 02 '13 14:08


People also ask

Does ie10 support flexbox?

The two browsers you should still keep in mind for cross-browser compatibility are: Internet Explorer 10, which implemented the display: flexbox version of the specification with the -ms- prefix.

Does flexbox work in IE?

Internet Explorer doesn't fully support Flexbox due to: Partial support is due to large amount of bugs present (see known issues).

Why is my flexbox not wrapping?

If you are using flexbox and want the content to wrap, you must specify flex-wrap: wrap . By default flex items don't wrap. To have the images be three-across, you should specify flex-basis: 33.33333% .

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Will CSS Grid make Flexbox Obsolete in the Future? Absolutely not. In fact, that's what this article was about. CSS grid and Flexbox, both are designed to solve a different set of problems.

2 Answers

Flex layout modes are not (fully) natively supported in IE yet. IE10 implements the "tween" version of the spec which is not fully recent, but still works.


This CSS-Tricks article has some advice on cross-browser use of flexbox (including IE): http://css-tricks.com/using-flexbox/

edit: after a bit more research, IE10 flexbox layout mode implemented current to the March 2012 W3C draft spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-flexbox-20120322/

The most current draft is a year or so more recent: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-flexbox/

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Ennui Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 02:10


As Ennui mentioned, IE 10 supports the -ms prefixed version of Flexbox (IE 11 supports it unprefixed). The errors I can see in your code are:

  • You should have display: -ms-flexbox instead of display: -ms-flex
  • I think you should specify all 3 flex values, like flex: 0 1 auto to avoid ambiguity

So the final updated code is...

.flexbox form {     display: -webkit-flex;     display: -moz-flex;     display: -ms-flexbox;     display: -o-flex;     display: flex;      /* Direction defaults to 'row', so not really necessary to specify */     -webkit-flex-direction: row;     -moz-flex-direction: row;     -ms-flex-direction: row;     -o-flex-direction: row;     flex-direction: row; }  .flexbox form input[type=submit] {     width: 31px; }  .flexbox form input[type=text] {     width: auto;      /* Flex should have 3 values which is shorthand for         <flex-grow> <flex-shrink> <flex-basis> */     -webkit-flex: 1 1 auto;     -moz-flex: 1 1 auto;     -ms-flex: 1 1 auto;     -o-flex: 1 1 auto;     flex: 1 1 auto;      /* I don't think you need 'display: flex' on child elements * /     display: -webkit-flex;     display: -moz-flex;     display: -ms-flex;     display: -o-flex;     display: flex;     /**/ } 
like image 28
Simon East Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 02:10

Simon East