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CSS how to use pseudo-class :not with :nth-child

Is is possible to use :not() with nth-child ?

I tried something like this without any luck :

td:not(:nth-child(4n)){   text-align:center; } 

However this seems to work :

td:not(:first-child){   text-align:center; } 

What I am trying is to center align all table columns except 2nd and 4th column. The columns are dynamically generated to add a custom class to these column .

like image 277
sakhunzai Avatar asked Feb 17 '14 12:02


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1 Answers

:not(:nth-child(4n)) will get you anything that isn't :nth-child(4n), i.e. anything that isn't the 4th, 8th and so on. It won't exclude the 2nd child because 2 isn't a multiple of 4.

To exclude the 2nd and 4th you need either one of:

  • td:not(:nth-child(2n)) if you have fewer than 6 columns, or

  • td:not(:nth-child(2)):not(:nth-child(4)) if you have at least 6 columns and only want to exclude the 2nd and 4th, and not every even column.


like image 157
BoltClock Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09
