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CSS bundle is empty when EnableOptimizations is true

I am creating a style bundle:

bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/content/bundled-styles.css").Include(

... and in my view:


If I view my page without optimizations enabled (i.e. BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = false;) then everything works fine. My .css file gets added to the page without any problems and it contains all the styles.

If I set BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true; (without changing anything else) then the generated .css bundle doesn't contain any styles. The bundled .css file is added to the page along with the generated token but when I click on the .css file from the page source, it is completely blank. My page then is obviously rendered without any styling.

Additional information:

  • I do not have a file or a folder called "bundled-styles.css" in my content folder
  • This is the only bundle I am adding.
  • I am not receiving any error (like a 404). The .css file is simply empty.
  • I am using ASP.NET MVC 5.
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kaques Avatar asked May 05 '14 19:05


People also ask

Does the minified CSS file need to be in the bundle?

The minified CSS file does not need to be listed in the bundle. In most cases, you’ll just want the default style link rendering, which is how the file Site.css is included in the Master Page in the default WebForms project.

When does the optimizer use a minified CSS file?

When minification occurs, which is normally only in release/production, the optimizer will automatically minify the CSS files referenced in the bundle. However, if a minified file is detected, it will use that file.

What is the difference between webwebopt bundle reference and render?

webopt:BundleReference: Links to individual css files in the bundle, sent in their original format (no minification). Styles.Render: Links to individual css files in the bundle, sent in their original format (no minification).

What happens if I set debug=true in CSS?

Setting debug="true" will result in all CSS bundles being bundled, minified, and version-stamped. (Note that Styles.Url () partly ignores this value – see details in next section.)

2 Answers

I just had this issue as well. It seems as if the bundler did not like the extension in the name. Once I removed the extension, the bundler started to work.

You might try doing the following. Notice I've removed the .css in two places.

Remove the .css

bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/content/bundled-styles").Include(

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jeremysawesome Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10


I was stuck on this for a very long time, i was trapped by the following:

that if the key you’re using for your bundle, in this case “~/scripts”, matches the virtual path of the file included in the bundle, then it will not be included. To fix this, I changed the key to “~/bundles/scripts” and everything is happy now.

Credits: https://samrueby.com/2015/03/05/asp-net-mvc-bundleconfig-scripts-returning-an-empty-response/

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EKS Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 18:10