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Creating Unicode character from its number

People also ask

How do I find Unicode number of characters?

Use Unicode code points in strings: \x , \u , \U Each code is treated as one character. You can check it with the built-in function len() which returns the number of characters.

Which function converts the Unicode number into a character?

The sysLib. convertNumberToUnicodeNum() system function converts the digits of a source numeric value into UNICODE characters preceded by a UNICODE sign character.

If you want to get a UTF-16 encoded code unit as a char, you can parse the integer and cast to it as others have suggested.

If you want to support all code points, use Character.toChars(int). This will handle cases where code points cannot fit in a single char value.

Doc says:

Converts the specified character (Unicode code point) to its UTF-16 representation stored in a char array. If the specified code point is a BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane or Plane 0) value, the resulting char array has the same value as codePoint. If the specified code point is a supplementary code point, the resulting char array has the corresponding surrogate pair.

Just cast your int to a char. You can convert that to a String using Character.toString():

String s = Character.toString((char)c);


Just remember that the escape sequences in Java source code (the \u bits) are in HEX, so if you're trying to reproduce an escape sequence, you'll need something like int c = 0x2202.

The other answers here either only support unicode up to U+FFFF (the answers dealing with just one instance of char) or don't tell how to get to the actual symbol (the answers stopping at Character.toChars() or using incorrect method after that), so adding my answer here, too.

To support supplementary code points also, this is what needs to be done:

// this character:
// http://www.isthisthingon.org/unicode/index.php?page=1F&subpage=4&glyph=1F495
// using code points here, not U+n notation
// for equivalence with U+n, below would be 0xnnnn
int codePoint = 128149;
// converting to char[] pair
char[] charPair = Character.toChars(codePoint);
// and to String, containing the character we want
String symbol = new String(charPair);

// we now have str with the desired character as the first item
// confirm that we indeed have character with code point 128149
System.out.println("First code point: " + symbol.codePointAt(0));

I also did a quick test as to which conversion methods work and which don't

int codePoint = 128149;
char[] charPair = Character.toChars(codePoint);

System.out.println(new String(charPair, 0, 2).codePointAt(0)); // 128149, worked
System.out.println(charPair.toString().codePointAt(0));        // 91, didn't work
System.out.println(new String(charPair).codePointAt(0));       // 128149, worked
System.out.println(String.valueOf(codePoint).codePointAt(0));  // 49, didn't work
System.out.println(new String(new int[] {codePoint}, 0, 1).codePointAt(0));
                                                               // 128149, worked


Note: as @Axel mentioned in the comments, with java 11 there is Character.toString(int codePoint) which would arguably be best suited for the job.

This one worked fine for me.

  String cc2 = "2202";
  String text2 = String.valueOf(Character.toChars(Integer.parseInt(cc2, 16)));

Now text2 will have ∂.

Remember that char is an integral type, and thus can be given an integer value, as well as a char constant.

char c = 0x2202;//aka 8706 in decimal. \u codepoints are in hex.
String s = String.valueOf(c);

String st="2202";
int cp=Integer.parseInt(st,16);// it convert st into hex number.
char c[]=Character.toChars(cp);
System.out.println(c);// its display the character corresponding to '\u2202'.

Although this is an old question, there is a very easy way to do this in Java 11 which was released today: you can use a new overload of Character.toString():

public static String toString​(int codePoint)

Returns a String object representing the specified character (Unicode code point). The result is a string of length 1 or 2, consisting solely of the specified codePoint.

codePoint - the codePoint to be converted

the string representation of the specified codePoint

IllegalArgumentException - if the specified codePoint is not a valid Unicode code point.


Since this method supports any Unicode code point, the length of the returned String is not necessarily 1.

The code needed for the example given in the question is simply:

    int codePoint = '\u2202';
    String s = Character.toString(codePoint); // <<< Requires JDK 11 !!!
    System.out.println(s); // Prints ∂

This approach offers several advantages:

  • It works for any Unicode code point rather than just those that can be handled using a char.
  • It's concise, and it's easy to understand what the code is doing.
  • It returns the value as a string rather than a char[], which is often what you want. The answer posted by McDowell is appropriate if you want the code point returned as char[].