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Creating custom "equality operator" for PostgreSQL type (point) for DISTINCT calls

In one of my tables, I have a column that is defined as the PostgreSQL type point. I use this for the earthdistance module—specifically, the <@> distance operator. (Yes, I know about PostGIS, but it was far more complex than my needs, which is simply given a table with lat/long pairs, order the table by distance with room for error from a provided lat/long.)

However, point appears to have no equality implemented, so any DISTINCT call on the table like SELECT DISTINCT * FROM mytable results in the following error:

ERROR: could not identify an equality operator for type point

Though it's generally unadvisable to patch built-in types, I don't mind in this case doing so, and I tried to create my own = operator for point:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION compare_points_equality(point1 POINT, point2 POINT)
  SELECT point1[0] = point2[0] AND point1[1] = point1[1];

  PROCEDURE = compare_points_equality,
  NEGATOR = !=,

But even after creating this, I get the same error. What am I supposed to do to create the "equality operator" if not create =?

like image 348
jdotjdot Avatar asked Jan 24 '16 01:01


1 Answers

To select distinct values Postgres must have the ability to sort the column. You need to create a complete btree operator class for type point, i.e. five operators (<, <=, =, >=, >) and a function comparing two points and returning integer, as it is described in the documentation.

For the operator = you can use the existing function point_eq(point, point):

create operator = (leftarg = point, rightarg = point, procedure = point_eq, commutator = =);

Example definition of operator <:

create function point_lt(point, point)
returns boolean language sql immutable as $$
    select $1[0] < $2[0] or $1[0] = $2[0] and $1[1] < $2[1]

create operator < (leftarg = point, rightarg = point, procedure = point_lt, commutator = >);

Define the operators <=, => and > in a similar way. Having all five operators, create a function:

create function btpointcmp(point, point)
returns integer language sql immutable as $$
    select case 
        when $1 = $2 then 0
        when $1 < $2 then -1
        else 1

And finally:

create operator class point_ops
    default for type point using btree as
        operator 1 <,
        operator 2 <=,
        operator 3 =,
        operator 4 >=,
        operator 5 >,
        function 1 btpointcmp(point, point);

With the class point_ops defined you can select distinct point values and order rows by the column of type point, e.g.:

with q(p) as (
select distinct *
from q
order by 1 desc;

(3 rows)    

You can also create (unique) index on a point column.


Where the function point_eq(point, point) comes from? Why does it already exist?

Postgres has over 2800 auxiliary functions that support operators, indexes, standard functions, etc. You can list them by querying pg_proc, e.g.:

select format('%s(%s)', proname, pg_get_function_arguments(oid))
from pg_proc
where pronamespace::regnamespace = 'pg_catalog'
and proname like 'point%'

The function point_eq(point, point) is used in implementation of some geometric functions and operators.

like image 91
klin Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 10:10
