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Creating an android smart app banner

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How do you make a smart banner?

Create an ad unit with the Smart Banner sizeCreate an ad unit as you normally would and select Smart Banner from the “Size mode” drop-down. In the app, use one of the following ad sizes for the ad view: iOS: kGADAdSizeSmartBannerPortrait or kGADAdSizeSmartBannerLandscape. Android: SMART_BANNER.

What is smart banner?

Smart Banners are ad units that render screen-width banner ads on any screen size across different devices in either orientation. Smart Banners detect the width of the device in its current orientation and create the ad view that size.

How do Smart Banners work?

Smart Banners are a facilitator that enables what is known as a web-to-app flow. To end-users, it's just a banner on your brand's mobile website that can include a promotion, product, or call to action (CTA) that encourages them to use or download your app.

What is banner app?

Banner ads occupy a spot within an app's layout, either at the top or bottom of the device screen. They stay on screen while users are interacting with the app, and can refresh automatically after a certain period of time. If you're new to mobile advertising, they're a great place to start.

Since Chrome 44 Beta you can push your app in Chrome for Android with a native app install banner on your website.

Please see the answer below.

Old answer

I needed that myself, so I created a jquery plugin to mimic a smart banner for Android and older iOS versions.


Since Chrome 44 Beta you can push your app in Chrome for Android with a native app install banner on your website. There are a couple of criteria that need to be met in order to enable it:

  • You will need a web app manifest file
  • You will have to serve your web using https
  • The user has visited your site twice over two separate days during the course of two weeks.

Read more about it in the official docs from Google.

You add the Google Sign-In button to your page with a special parameter and then users can sign in and specify which device to install your app to directly from your website.

This is the most "officially supported" implementation I know of:


From the link:

By adding the Google Sign-In button to your web site, you can automatically prompt your users to download your Android app over the air to their Android devices. To enable this feature, you must use the same Google Developers Console project for your Web and Android clients, and configure your web app's sign-in button.

Your web app must use the Google Sign-In button to prompt your web site users to download your app the first time that they sign in. This feature is enabled by adding the apppackagename parameter to your sign-in button.