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Create SHA-256 hash from a Blob/File in javascript

I need to create a SHA-256 digest from a file (~6MB) inside the browser. The only way that I've managed to do it so far was like this:

var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function() {     // this gets read of the mime-type data header     var actual_contents = reader.result.slice(reader.result.indexOf(',') + 1);     var what_i_need = new jsSHA(actual_contents, "B64").getHash("SHA-256", "HEX"); } reader.readAsDataURL(some_file); 

While this works correctly, the problem is that it's very slow. It took ~2-3 seconds for a 6MB file. How can I improve this?

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Gabi Purcaru Avatar asked Feb 13 '14 17:02

Gabi Purcaru

People also ask

What command can be used to create an SHA256 hash?

Generate SHA-256 Hashes for Files We can use the sha256sum command in two modes; binary and text (the default). On Linux, both modes generate the same SHA-256 hash, and so the default mode is used throughout this tutorial.

What is SHA256 Javascript?

A cryptographic hash (sometimes called 'digest') is a kind of 'signature' for a text or a data file. SHA-256 generates an almost-unique 256-bit (32-byte) signature for a text. See below for the source code.

Can you crack SHA256?

The SHA-256 algorithm is not yet easily cracked. Moreover SHA256 algorithm, such as SHA-512 algorithms compared to other secure top model is calculated more quickly is currently one of the most widely used algorithms. However, IT experts talk about allegations and developments that SHA-256 may be vulnerable very soon.

2 Answers

You may want to take a look at the Stanford JS Crypto Library


Website with Examples

From the website:

SJCL is secure. It uses the industry-standard AES algorithm at 128, 192 or 256 bits; the SHA256 hash function; the HMAC authentication code; the PBKDF2 password strengthener; and the CCM and OCB authenticated-encryption modes.

SJCL has a test page that shows how long it will take.

184 milliseconds for a SHA256 iterative. And 50 milliseconds for a SHA-256 from catameringue.

Test page

Sample code:

Encrypt data: sjcl.encrypt("password", "data")

Decrypt data: sjcl.decrypt("password", "encrypted-data")

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washcloth Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09


This is an old question but I thought it's worth noting that asmCrypto is significantly faster than jsSHA, and faster than CryptoJS and SJCL


There is also a lite version (a fork of the above) maintained by OpenPGP.js


Which only includes SHA256, and a couple of AES features.

To use asmCrypto You can simply do the following:

var sha256HexValue = asmCrypto.SHA256.hex(myArraybuffer);

I'm able to hash a 150MB+ file in < 2 seconds consistently in Chrome.

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Colin Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09
