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How to document a Require.js (AMD) Modul with jsdoc 3 or jsdoc?

I have 2 types of Modules:

Require.js Main File:

    require.config({       baseUrl: "/another/path",       paths: {         "some": "some/v1.0"       },       waitSeconds: 15,       locale: "fr-fr"     });       require( ["some/module", "my/module", "a.js", "b.js"],       function(someModule,    myModule) {       }     ); 

Mediator Pattern:

define([], function(Mediator){  var channels = {}; if (!Mediator) Mediator = {};    Mediator.subscribe = function (channel, subscription) {      if (!channels[channel]) channels[channel] = [];    channels[channel].push(subscription); };  Mediator.publish = function (channel) {   if (!channels[channel]) return;   var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);   for (var i = 0, l = channels[channel].length; i < l; i++) {     channels[channel][i].apply(this, args);   } };  return Mediator;  }); 

How can i document this with jsdoc3 when possible with jsdoc too?

like image 953
3logy Avatar asked Apr 16 '12 10:04


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What is the difference between RequireJS CommonJS and AMD loaders?

In fact, AMD was split from CommonJS early in its development. The main difference between AMD and CommonJS lies in its support for asynchronous module loading. "The main difference between AMD and CommonJS lies in its support for asynchronous module loading."

1 Answers

This is my first answer on SO, please let me know how I can improve future answers.

Your specific example

I've been searching for an answer for this for a good two days, and there doesn't seem to be a way to document RequireJS AMD modules automatically without some redundancy (like repeated function names). Karthrik's answer does a good job of generating the documentation, but if something gets renamed in the code the documentation will still be generated from what's in the jsDoc tags.

What I ended up doing is the following, which is adjusted from Karthik's example. Note the @lends tag on line 1, and the removal of the @name tag from the jsDoc comment blocks.

 define([], /** @lends Mediator */ function(Mediator){     /**       * Mediator class      * This is the interface class for user related modules      * @class Mediator      */      var channels = {};     if (!Mediator) Mediator = {};        /**       * .... description goes here ...       * @function        *       * @param {Number} channel  .....        * @param {String} subscription ..............       * @example       * add the sample code here if relevent.       *        */             Mediator.subscribe = function (channel, subscription) {          if (!channels[channel]) channels[channel] = [];        channels[channel].push(subscription);     };      Mediator.publish = function (channel) {       if (!channels[channel]) return;       var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);       for (var i = 0, l = channels[channel].length; i < l; i++) {         channels[channel][i].apply(this, args);       }     };  return Mediator;  }); 

From what I understand, the @lends tag will interpret all jsDoc comments from the next following object literal as part of the class referenced by the @lends tag. In this case the next object literal is the one beginning with function(Mediator) {. The @name tag is removed so that jsDoc looks in the source code for function names, etc.

Note: I've used the @exports tag at the same place as where I put the @lends tag. While that works, it'll create a module in the docs… and I only wanted to generate docs for the class. This way works for me!

General jsDoc references

  • jsdoc-toolkit Tag Reference - Great reference for the tags in jsdoc-toolkit. Has a bunch of examples, too!
  • 2ality's jsDoc intro - Comprehensive tutorial based on jsDoc-toolkit.
  • jsDoc3 reference - Fairly incomplete, but has some examples.
like image 117
marcusstenbeck Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09
