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Create keyspace, table and generate tables dynamically using Spring Data Cassandra

Using Cassandra, I want to create keyspace and tables dynamically using Spring Boot application. I am using Java based configuration.

I have an entity annotated with @Table whose schema I want to be created before application starts up since it has fixed fields that are known beforehand.

However depending on the logged in user, I also want to create additional tables for those user dynamically and be able to insert entries to those tables.

Can somebody guide me to some resources that I can make use of or point me in right direction in how to go about solving these issues. Thanks a lot for help!

like image 858
Anu Avatar asked May 20 '16 17:05


1 Answers

The easiest thing to do would be to add the Spring Boot Starter Data Cassandra dependency to your Spring Boot application, like so...


In addition, this will add the Spring Data Cassandra dependency to your application.

With Spring Data Cassandra, you can configure your application's Keyspace(s) using the CassandraClusterFactoryBean (or more precisely, the subclass... CassandraCqlClusterFactoryBean) by calling the setKeyspaceCreations(:Set) method.

The KeyspaceActionSpecification class is pretty self-explanatory. You can even create one with the KeyspaceActionSpecificationFactoryBean, add it to a Set and then pass that to the setKeyspaceCreations(..) method on the CassandraClusterFactoryBean.

For generating the application's Tables, you essentially just need to annotate your application domain object(s) (entities) using the SD Cassandra @Table annotation, and make sure your domain objects/entities can be found on the application's CLASSPATH.

Specifically, you can have your application @Configuration class extend the SD Cassandra AbstractClusterConfiguration class. There, you will find the getEntityBasePackages():String[] method that you can override to provide the package locations containing your application domain object/entity classes, which SD Cassandra will then use to scan for @Table domain object/entities.

With your application @Table domain object/entities properly identified, you set the SD Cassandra SchemaAction to CREATE using the CassandraSessionFactoryBean method, setSchemaAction(:SchemaAction). This will create Tables in your Keyspace for all domain object/entities found during the scan, providing you identified the proper Keyspace on your CassandraSessionFactoryBean appropriately.

Obviously, if your application creates/uses multiple Keyspaces, you will need to create a separate CassandraSessionFactoryBean for each Keyspace, with the entityBasePackages configuration property set appropriately for the entities that belong to a particular Keyspace, so that the associated Tables are created in that Keyspace.


For the "additional" Tables per user, that is quite a bit more complicated and tricky.

You might be able to leverage Spring Profiles here, however, profiles are generally only applied on startup. If a different user logs into an already running application, you need a way to supply additional @Configuration classes to the Spring ApplicationContext at runtime.

Your Spring Boot application could inject a reference to a AnnotationConfigApplicationContext, and then use it on a login event to programmatically register additional @Configuration classes based on the user who logged into the application. You need to follow your register(Class...) call(s) with an ApplicationContext.refresh().

You also need to appropriately handle the situation where the Tables already exist.

This is not currently supported in SD Cassandra, but see DATACASS-219 for further details.

Technically, it would be far simpler to create all the possible Tables needed by the application for all users at runtime and use Cassandra's security settings to restrict individual user access by role and assigned permissions.

Another option might be just to create temporary Keyspaces and/or Tables as needed when a user logs in into the application, drop them when the user logs out.

Clearly, there are a lot of different choices here, and it boils down more to architectural decisions, tradeoffs and considerations then it does technical feasibility, so be careful.

Hope this helps.


like image 87
John Blum Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 15:11

John Blum