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Spring form input can't be disable

I want to disable a <form:input> with the attribute disabled, but it's not working.

<td class="value">
                <sec:authorize access="hasAnyRole('ROLE_EDIT_DEVICE_INSTALL_DATE')">
                    <form:input path="installDt"  maxlength="10" size="10"  cssClass="installDatePicker" /> 
                    <form:errors path="installDt" cssClass="errormsg" />
                <sec:authorize access="!hasAnyRole('ROLE_EDIT_DEVICE_INSTALL_DATE')">
                    <form:input path="installDt"  maxlength="10" size="10"  cssClass="installDatePicker" disabled="disabled" /> 
                    <form:errors path="installDt" cssClass="errormsg" />

Does anybody have any idea to solve it ?

like image 352
Jerome Campeaux Avatar asked Apr 01 '15 13:04

Jerome Campeaux

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2 Answers

To disable it, use disabled=true. It accepts true|false.

<form:input path="installDt"  maxlength="10" size="10"  cssClass="installDatePicker" disabled="true" />
like image 183
minion Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09


When I try to do input disable with disabled="true" , the data is null at core code, but when I try it with readonly, it did this properly.

Try readonly="readonly"

like image 44
Gorkem Sevim Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Gorkem Sevim