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Count the number of times object an property exists in mongo array of objects

I have a document structure like this

 name: "Something",
 codes: [
         {type: 11}, 
         {type: 11}, 
         {type: 15}
 name: "Another",
 codes: [
         {type: 11}, 
         {type: 12}, 
         {type: 15},
         {type: 11}

I need to count how many times type = 11 appears per entry, in the collection. I have am stumped.

like image 854
Subtubes Avatar asked Dec 05 '22 23:12


2 Answers

Though a $match to filter out only the documents containing the codes of a particular type can be applied, it should not be applied to this particular problem statement. Since it would filter out the documents that do not have the particular type code, from the output.

You need to:

  • Unwind each document based on the codes field.
  • If codes field is of the required type, project a field wantedType with value 1 or else with value 0.
  • Group by the _id field to get the sum of wantedType field, which gives you number of the wanted type codes in the particular document.
  • So even if a document does not have the wanted type code, it will be presented in the output with 0 as its count.


var typeCountToCalculate = 11;

          "wantedType":{$cond:[{$eq:["$codes.type",typeCountToCalculate ]},1,0]}}},


        "_id" : ObjectId("54ad79dae024832588b287f4"),
        "name" : "Another",
        "count" : 2
        "_id" : ObjectId("54ad79dae024832588b287f3"),
        "name" : "Something",
        "count" : 2
like image 182
BatScream Avatar answered May 14 '23 06:05


The aggregation framework of MongoDB is the answer here. The key operations are $unwind for processing the array contents into "normalized" documents and the $group pipeline stage for obtaining the counts.

There is also optimization happening with the $match pipeline stages. Both at the beginning of the query in order to filter out documents that cannot possibly match and after the $unwind stage, in order to remove those elements ( now documents ) that certainly do not match the conditions:

    // Match to filter documents
    { "$match": { "codes.type": 11 }},

    // Unwind to 'de-normalize'
    { "$unwind": "$codes" },

    // Match to filter again, but remove the array elements
    { "$match": { "codes.type": 11 }},

    // Count the occurrences of the the matches
    { "$group": {
        "_id": "$codes.type",
        "count": { "$sum": 1 }

Naturally, if you pulled out all of the "matching" then you get the "count" per "type" over the whole collection.

In modern versions you can alter this a bit with the $redact operator as of MongoDB 2.6 and greater. If a little contrived due to the recursive nature of this pipeline stage:

    // Match to filter documents
    { "$match": { "codes.type": 11 }},

    // Filter out non matches
    { "$redact": {
        "$cond": {
            "if": { "$eq": [ 
                { "$ifNull": [ "$type", 11 ] },
            "then": "$$DESCEND",
            "else": "$$PRUNE"

    // Unwind to 'de-normalize'
    { "$unwind": "$codes" },

    // Count the occurrences of the the matches
    { "$group": {
        "_id": "$codes.type",
        "count": { "$sum": 1 }

It's a different way of filtering, and perfectly valid if your server supports it. Just be careful if using in other examples with nested levels.

Always filter for the matching values you want to work on "first" before doing any other operations. This removes un-necessary work from being processed in the aggregation pipeline. No use processing 100,000 documents if only 10,000 are possible matches and only 2,000 elements within those documents match as well.

like image 23
Neil Lunn Avatar answered May 14 '23 06:05

Neil Lunn