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Could not load file or assembly 'Magick.NET-x86.DLL' or one of its dependencies

I have used Magick.NET which is a .NET wrapper for ImageMagick, and it throws the above error on a client machine. It works fine on my machine though. I have not installed ImageMagick so I simply can't understand what I need to do on a client machine. I have VS 2012 installed.

Also, Magick.NET includes ImageMagick within it, I think it uses C++/CLI and exposes a .NET interface to the native ImageMagick, all within a single DLL. So what DLL does it need?

(I just came across this error so posting the solution I found.)

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Robin Rodricks Avatar asked Apr 26 '14 08:04

Robin Rodricks

2 Answers

For me one more thing was needed: in IIS Application pool -> advanced settings -> Enable 32-Bit applications

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Aleksei Prokopov Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10

Aleksei Prokopov

Magick.NET needs the VC 2012 Runtime installed, and Magick.NET V7+ (.NET 4.0) needs 2012 and the VC 2015 Runtime installed. Download and install on client machine. If it pops up a "repair or uninstall" dialog then its already installed and you might be missing another dependency. If not, install VCR and restart your app.

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Robin Rodricks Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10

Robin Rodricks