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Could not change executable permissions on the application

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How do I change executable permissions in Windows?

To change object access properties you can right-click the object, go into properties, and then security. If you're signed in as an administrator, you'll be able to modify access properties such as the read, write, and execute permissions.

What does chmod 777 mean?

Setting 777 permissions to a file or directory means that it will be readable, writable and executable by all users and may pose a huge security risk.

What is the meaning of chmod 775?

The chmod 775 is an essential command that assigns read, write, and execute permission to a specific user, group, or others.

I could solve it erasing an application that I had previously uploaded using the same Bundle Identifier (xcode get's confused doing the chmod). Try checking the log from xCode Organizer (Your device's Name -> Console) you should get information from that log. Good luck!

folks, i get this resolved - because i already have the same app using the same bundle identifier installed on the phone. - what you need to do is to delete all those apps on your iphone which is using the same bundle identifier name. - you'll make it!!

You probably have a different target name. You can start the app from scratch, but you'll need the same target name and the same bundle identifier.

Delete the apps that were already installed on iphone/ipad with the same Bundle identifier.iphone/ipad gets confused with the apps with same bundle identifier. so change change the Bundle identifier of the current app or delete the app that was already installed.

It can happen when you launch the app from Xcode and you have the appstore version installed in the phone with the same bundle-id but a different name. In my case I'm using App_Beta when in the appstore is App. If the two versions does not have the same product name you wont be able to test the upgrade from the old to the new version. To solve make the names match.

I went into the Organizer and selected the Applications underneath my test device. Even though I had deleted the application on my device itself, it still showed up in my list of applications. I deleted it there, and this took care of the issue for me.

You need to delete all the app's using the same bundle identifier. I did the same, but still the same error persisted on my iPod, i cleaned the (cmd + shift + k) the build and restarted the iPod and i was able to run the app on the iPod.