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Correct way to conduct multiple windows in Caliburn Micro?

I am working on an app using Caliburn.Micro. I need to open a set of identical windows on multiple monitors at once, and I cannot figure out how to do this cleanly.

My idea is this:

  • ChildViewModel / ChildView contains the things I need to show on multiple screens.
  • ParentViewModel inheriting from ConductorBase<ChildViewModel>.
  • When ParentViewModel is created, it creates the required number of ChildViewModel and uses WindowManager.ShowWindow to show each of them.
  • My WindowManager implementation takes care of placing these views where they are supposed to be.

All of the above works, with one exception: the ParentView is displayed in its own window. How can I avoid this happening? what would be the canonical way of doing what I am trying to do?

What I want to do is conduct multiple windows from a single conductor, without the conductor itself showing a window.

like image 702
Vegard Larsen Avatar asked Aug 06 '15 07:08

Vegard Larsen

1 Answers

What about this schema?

      (VM for your notification area, its View is the sys tray icon)
      (not a VM, not a ConductorBase, no View, not visible)
            |                   |                  |
            |                   |                  |
    SingleDesktopVM      SingleDesktopVM     SingleDesktopVM
(its View holds child views. If necessary, it can be a ConductorBase)
                  .-------------|------------.------ - - - .
                  |             |            |
                  |             |            |
         SideBarChildVM    MainChildVM   FooterChildVM
  • SystemTrayVM is responsible for all interaction made available through the notification area (right click menu action, etc.). It would not actually open/close the windows visible to user, but rather forward those commands to the MultipleDesktopManager.

  • MultipleDesktopManager is not visible and is not a VM. Its responsibility is to e.g. open/close all single desktop parent windows when needed. Being completely separate windows, there should be no need for a full blown conductor. From my experience, it is enough to provide it with an IWindowManager so that it can actually show/close the single desktop parent windows. Maybe it could also activate/deactivate them, but no need to keep track of a current active item or things like that.

  • SingleDesktopVM is responsible for all the child views/VMs shown inside itself. So this could be a conductor if needed... it really depends on the lifecycle of those child views inside the parent. E.g. if there's a command-bar and a main content and they're always there, probably you could go with a simpler parent VM containing other VMs.

In a recent past we faced & solved the issue of a WPF application starting not visible, only found in system tray, and from there being able to show/hide the actual main application window.
In that scenario, we offloaded the task of hiding/showing the main app window to a helper class (not a VM) invoked by the SystemTrayVM. That would be the equivalent of MultipleDesktopManager in this schema.

Regarding the WPF application starting from system tray only, we put together a PoC on GitHub that shows how to completely integrate this WPF NotifyIcon control with a Caliburn.Micro ViewModel-first approach and DI through Autofac.

EDIT: The rationale is that Conductor implementations offered off the shelf by CM seem more adequate for a window holding other child windows. If the holder is not itself visible, maybe those conductor implementations are not the perfect choice. As you said in comments, it's like needing a Conductor not being also a Screen. There's an interesting bit on CM composition doc page about "Quasi-Conductors". In the end, the MultipleDesktopManager idea is basically that of a simple conductor that manages many windows, without implementing the IConductor interface but still using the WindowManager in order to process SingleDesktopVMs lifecycle correctly.

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superjos Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 17:11
