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Correct terminology for continuations

I've been poking around continuations recently, and I got confused about the correct terminology. Here Gabriel Gonzalez says:

A Haskell continuation has the following type:

newtype Cont r a = Cont { runCont :: (a -> r) -> r }

i.e. the whole (a -> r) -> r thing is the continuation (sans the wrapping)

The wikipedia article seems to support this idea by saying

a continuation is an abstract representation of the control state of a computer program.

However, here the authors say that

Continuations are functions that represent "the remaining computation to do."

but that would only be the (a->r) part of the Cont type. And this is in line to what Eugene Ching says here:

a computation (a function) that requires a continuation function in order to fully evaluate.

We’re going to be seeing this kind of function a lot, hence, we’ll give it a more intuitive name. Let’s call them waiting functions.

I've seen another tutorial (Brian Beckman and Erik Meijer) where they call the whole thing (the waiting function) the observable and the function which is required for it to complete the observer.

  • What is the the continuation, the (a->r)->r thingy or just the (a->r) thing (sans the wrapping)?
  • Is the wording observable/observer about correct?
  • Are the citations above really contradictory, is there a common truth?
like image 524
Martin Drautzburg Avatar asked Sep 03 '14 15:09

Martin Drautzburg

People also ask

Is there such a word as continuation?

the act or state of continuing; the state of being continued. extension or carrying on to a further point: to request the continuation of a loan.

What is the example of continuation?

Continuation definition An extension by which something is carried to a further point. The sequel was a continuation of the story that had been established in the first book of the series. The act or fact of beginning again after stopping; resumption. The continuation of the game after a rain delay.

How do you use the word continuation?

the fact of continuing or a thing that continues or follows from something else: The continuation of the strike caused a lot of hardship. It's just a continuation of the bigger river, but with a different name.

1 Answers

What is the the continuation, the (a->r)->r thingy or just the (a->r) thing (sans the wrapping)?

I would say that the a -> r bit is the continuation and the (a -> r) -> r is "in continuation passing style" or "is the type of the continuation monad.

I am going to go off on a long digression on the history of continuations which is not really relivant to the question...so be warned.

It is my belief that the first published paper on continuations was "Continuations: A Mathematical Semantics for Handling Full Jumps" by Strachey and Wadsworth (although the concept was already folklore). The idea of that paper is I think a pretty important one. Early semantics for imperative programs attempted to model commands as state transformer functions. For example, consider the simple imperative language given by the following BNF

Command := set <Expression> to <Expression>
         | skip
         | <Command> ; <Command>

Expression := !<Expression>
            | <Number>
            | <Expression> + <Expression>

here we use a expressions as pointers. The simplest denotational function interprets the state as functions from natural numbers to natural numbers:

S = N -> N

We can interpret expressions as functions from state to the natural numbers

E[[e : Expression]] : S -> N

and commands as state transducers.

C[[c : Command]] : S -> S

This denotational semantics can be spelled out rather simply:

E[[n : Number]](s) = n
E[[a + b]](s) = E[[a]](s) + E[[b]](s)
E[[!e]](s) = s(E[[e]](s))

C[[skip]](s) = s
C[[set a to b]](s) = \n -> if n = E[[a]](s) then E[[b]](s) else s(n)
C[[c_1;c_2]](s) = (C[[c_2] . C[[c_1]])(s)

As simple program in this language might look like

set 0 to 1;
set 1 to (!0) + 1

which would be interpreted as function that turns a state function s into a new function that is just like s except it maps 0 to 1 and 1 to 2.

This was all well and good, but how do you handle branching? Well, if you think about it alot you can probably come up with a way to handle if and loops that go an exact number of times...but what about general while loops?

Strachey and Wadsworth's showed us how to do it. First of all, they pointed out that these "State transducer functions" were pretty important and so decided to call them "command continuations" or just "continuations."

C = S -> S

From this they defined a new semantics, which we will provisionally define this way

C'[[c : Command]] : C -> C
C'[[c]](cont) = cont . C[[c]]

What is going on here? Well, observe that

C'[[c_1]](C[[c_2]]) = C[[c_1 ; c_2]]

and further

C'[[c_1]](C'[[c_2]](cont) = C'[[c_1 ; c_2]](cont)

Instead of doing it this way, we can inline the definition

C'[[skip]](cont) = cont
C'[[set a to b]](cont) = cont . \s -> \n -> if n = E[[a]](s) then E[[b]](s) else s(n)
C'[[c_1 ; c_2]](cont) = C'[[c_1]](C'[[c_2]](cont)

What has this bought us? Well, a way to interpret while, thats what!

Command := ... | while <Expression> do <Command> end

C'[[while e do c end]](cont) =
  let loop = \s -> if E[[e]](s) = 0 then C'[[c]](loop)(s) else cont(s)
  in loop

or, using a fixpoint combinator

C'[[while e do c end]](cont) 
    = Y (\f -> \s -> if E[[e]](s) = 0 then C'[[c]](f)(s) else cont(s))

Anyways...that is history and not particularly important...except in so far as it showed how to interpret programs mathematically, and set the language of "continuation."

Also, the approach to denotational semantics of "1. define a new semantic function in terms of the old 2. inline 3. profit" works surprisingly often. For example, it is often useful to have your semantic domain form a lattice (think, abstract interpretation). How do you get that? Well, one option is to take the powerset of the domain, and inject into this by interpreting your functions as singletons. If you inline this powerset construction you get something that can either model non-determinism or, in the case of abstract interpretation, various amounts of information about a program other than exact certainty as to what it does.

Various other work followed. Here I skip over many greats such as the lambda papers... But, perhaps the most notable was Griffin's landmark paper "A Formulae-as-Types Notion of Control" which showed a connection between continuation passing style and classical logic. Here the connection between "continuation" and "Evaluation context" is emphasized

That is, E represents the rest of the computation that remains to be done after N is evaluated. The context E is called the continuation (or control context) of N at this point in the evalu- ation sequence. The notation of evaluation contexts allows, as we shall see below, a concise specification of the operational semantics of operators that ma- nipulate continuations (indeed, this was its intended use [3, 2, 4, 1]).

making clear that the "continuation" is "just the a -> r bit"

This all looks at things from the point of view of semantics and sees continuations as functions. The thing is, continuations as functions give you more power than you get with something like scheme's callCC. So, another perspective on continuations is that they are variables in the program which internalize the call stack. Parigot had the idea to make continuation variables a seperate syntactic category leading to the elegant lambda-mu calculus in "λμ-Calculus: An algorithmic interpretation of classical natural deduction."

Is the wording observable/observer about correct?

I think it is in so far as it is what Eric Mejier uses. It is non standard terminology in academic PLs.

Are the citations above really contradictory, is there a common truth?

Let us look at the citations again

a continuation is an abstract representation of the control state of a computer program.

In my interpretation (which I think is pretty standard) a continuation models what a program should do next. I think wikipedia is consistent with this.

A Haskell continuation has the following type:

This is a bit odd. But, note that later in the post Gabriel uses language which is more standard and supports my use of language.

That means that if we have a function with two continuations:

 (a1 -> r) -> ((a2 -> r) -> r)
like image 54
Philip JF Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 22:09

Philip JF