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copy a SQL Server 2008 database and rename it

I have a SQL Server 2008 database that I want to copy and create a new database (with the a different name) on the server with. I am not concerned with maintaining data, the new database can be created with no data for starters. What I am looking to do is the following:

  • Create the new database maintaining structure of old database
  • Set the name of the new database
  • Change all varchar and char datatypes to nvarchar and nchar
  • Change all text datatypes to nvarchar(MAX)

As an aside, I have 2 more questions which are not part of my task but would like to consider the following:

  • How can I upgrade the sql server database to sql server 2012
  • Is there any preparatory work I need to carry out on the database to ensure I can easily upgrade it?
like image 984
amateur Avatar asked Sep 18 '12 22:09


People also ask

How do I rename a database in SQL Server 2008?

In Object Explorer, expand Databases, right-click the database to rename, and then select Rename.

How do I copy a SQL Server database to another server?

Manual Method to Copy Database from one Server to Another First of all, launch the SQL Server Management Studio from Object Explorer and connect to the Source Server. Right-click on the database, select the option Tasks and then choose the Copy Database option.

Can you clone a SQL Server?

You can use SnapCenter to clone a SQL Server database backup. If you want to access or restore an older version of the data, you can clone database backups on demand. Using SnapCenter, you can create clones from a resource group or database.

1 Answers

Source for the script that copies a database.

USE master;

    @SourceDatabaseName AS SYSNAME = '<SourceDB>', 
    @TargetDatabaseName AS SYSNAME = '<TargetDB>'

-- ============================================
-- Define path where backup will be saved
-- ============================================
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.databases WHERE name = @SourceDatabaseName)
    RAISERROR ('Variable @SourceDatabaseName is not set correctly !', 20, 1) WITH LOG       

DECLARE @SourceBackupFilePath varchar(2000)
SELECT @SourceBackupFilePath = BMF.physical_device_name
    msdb.dbo.backupset B
    JOIN msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily BMF ON B.media_set_id = BMF.media_set_id
WHERE B.database_name = @SourceDatabaseName
ORDER BY B.backup_finish_date DESC

SET @SourceBackupFilePath = REPLACE(@SourceBackupFilePath, '.bak', '_clone.bak')

IF @SourceBackupFilePath IS NULL
        RAISERROR ('Could not determine file path for backup file!', 16, 1) WITH LOG

-- ============================================
-- Backup source database
-- ============================================
SET @Sql = 'BACKUP DATABASE @SourceDatabaseName TO DISK = ''@SourceBackupFilePath'''
SET @Sql = REPLACE(@Sql, '@SourceDatabaseName', @SourceDatabaseName)
SET @Sql = REPLACE(@Sql, '@SourceBackupFilePath', @SourceBackupFilePath)
SELECT 'Performing backup...', @Sql as ExecutedSql
EXEC (@Sql)

-- ============================================
-- Automatically compose database files (.mdf and .ldf) paths
-- ============================================
          @LogicalDataFileName as NVARCHAR(MAX)
        , @LogicalLogFileName as NVARCHAR(MAX)
        , @TargetDataFilePath as NVARCHAR(MAX)
        , @TargetLogFilePath as NVARCHAR(MAX)

        @LogicalDataFileName = name,
        @TargetDataFilePath = SUBSTRING(physical_name,1,LEN(physical_name)-CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(physical_name))) + '\' + @TargetDatabaseName + '.mdf'
FROM sys.master_files
        database_id = DB_ID(@SourceDatabaseName)        
        AND type = 0            -- datafile file

        @LogicalLogFileName = name,
        @TargetLogFilePath = SUBSTRING(physical_name,1,LEN(physical_name)-CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(physical_name))) + '\' + @TargetDatabaseName + '.ldf'
FROM sys.master_files
        database_id = DB_ID(@SourceDatabaseName)        
        AND type = 1            -- log file     

    @LogicalDataFileName as LogicalDataFileName,
    @LogicalLogFileName as LogicalLogFileName,
    @TargetDataFilePath as TargetDataFilePath,
    @TargetLogFilePath as TargetLogFilePath                

IF @TargetDataFilePath IS NULL OR @TargetLogFilePath IS NULL
    RAISERROR ('Could not determine target paths!', 16, 1) WITH LOG

-- ============================================
-- Restore target database
-- ============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.databases WHERE name = @TargetDatabaseName)
    RAISERROR ('A database with the same name already exists!', 20, 1) WITH LOG        

SET @Sql = 'RESTORE DATABASE @TargetDatabaseName
FROM DISK = ''@SourceBackupFilePath'' 
WITH MOVE ''@LogicalDataFileName'' TO ''@TargetDataFilePath'',
MOVE ''@LogicalLogFileName'' TO ''@TargetLogFilePath''' 
SET @Sql = REPLACE(@Sql, '@TargetDatabaseName', @TargetDatabaseName)
SET @Sql = REPLACE(@Sql, '@SourceBackupFilePath', @SourceBackupFilePath)
SET @Sql = REPLACE(@Sql, '@LogicalDataFileName', @LogicalDataFileName)
SET @Sql = REPLACE(@Sql, '@TargetDataFilePath', @TargetDataFilePath)
SET @Sql = REPLACE(@Sql, '@LogicalLogFileName', @LogicalLogFileName)
SET @Sql = REPLACE(@Sql, '@TargetLogFilePath', @TargetLogFilePath)
SELECT 'Restoring...', @Sql as ExecutedSql
EXEC (@Sql)
like image 188
bjnr Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 20:10
