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How to update unique values in SQL using a PostgreSQL sequence?

In SQL, how do update a table, setting a column to a different value for each row?

I want to update some rows in a PostgreSQL database, setting one column to a number from a sequence, where that column has a unique constraint. I hoped that I could just use:

update person set unique_number = (select nextval('number_sequence') );

but it seems that nextval is only called once, so the update uses the same number for every row, and I get a 'duplicate key violates unique constraint' error. What should I do instead?

like image 469
Peter Hilton Avatar asked Sep 29 '08 08:09

Peter Hilton

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Syntax: SELECT DISTINCT ON (column_1) column_alias, column_2 FROM table_name ORDER BY column_1, column_2; As the order of rows returned from the SELECT statement is unpredictable which means the “first row” of each group of the duplicate is also unpredictable.

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1 Answers

Don't use a subselect, rather use the nextval function directly, like this:

update person set unique_number = nextval('number_sequence');
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Grey Panther Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 15:10

Grey Panther