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Converting the do notation to bind notation




How do I convert the below Haskell do notation to the bind (>>=) notation?

rev2lines :: IO ()
rev2lines = do line1 <- getLine
               line2 <- getLine
               putStrLn (reverse line2)
               putStrLn (reverse line1)

I am a Haskell beginner with decent knowledge and I tried something like

getLine >>= (\line1 -> getLine >>= (\line2 -> putStrLn $ reverse(line2)))

but I am not able to include the print statement for the other line i.e. line1. Kindly help me to understand this concept properly.

like image 840
Swapnil B. Avatar asked Apr 21 '18 20:04

Swapnil B.

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2 Answers

You're almost there: you need to use >>.

getLine >>= (\line1 -> 
getLine >>= (\line2 -> 
putStrLn (reverse line2) >>
putStrLn (reverse line1)

Note that >> ... is equivalent to >>= (\_ -> ...), so you can also use that if you prefer.

Similarly, your block

 do line1 <- getLine
    line2 <- getLine
    putStrLn (reverse line2)
    putStrLn (reverse line1)

is equivalent to

 do line1 <- getLine
    line2 <- getLine
    _ <- putStrLn (reverse line2)
    putStrLn (reverse line1)

Essentially, any entry in the block (but the last one) which has no explicit <- uses >> (or, if you prefer, has an implicit _ <- in front).

like image 172
chi Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10


Assuming you meant

rev2lines = do
           line1 <- getLine
           line2 <- getLine
           putStrLn (reverse line2)
           putStrLn (reverse line1)

the desugaring looks like

rev2lines =
           getLine >>= \line1 ->
           getLine >>= \line2 ->
           putStrLn (reverse line2) >>
           putStrLn (reverse line1)

which parses as

rev2lines =
    getLine >>= (
        \line1 -> getLine >>= (
            \line2 -> (putStrLn (reverse line2)) >> (putStrLn (reverse line1))))
like image 44
melpomene Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 23:10
