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Converting JSONarray to ArrayList

People also ask

Can we convert JSON array to list in Java?

We can convert a JSON array to a list using the ObjectMapper class. It has a useful method readValue() which takes a JSON string and converts it to the object class specified in the second argument.

Can we convert JSONArray to JSONObject?

We can also add a JSONArray to JSONObject. We need to add a few items to an ArrayList first and pass this list to the put() method of JSONArray class and finally add this array to JSONObject using the put() method.

Can we convert JSON to array?

Convert JSON to Array Using `json. The parse() function takes the argument of the JSON source and converts it to the JSON format, because most of the time when you fetch the data from the server the format of the response is the string. Make sure that it has a string value coming from a server or the local source.

What is JSONArray?

JsonArray represents an immutable JSON array (an ordered sequence of zero or more values). It also provides an unmodifiable list view of the values in the array. A JsonArray object can be created by reading JSON data from an input source or it can be built from scratch using an array builder object.

ArrayList<String> listdata = new ArrayList<String>();     
JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray)jsonObject; 
if (jArray != null) { 
   for (int i=0;i<jArray.length();i++){ 

I've done it using Gson (by Google).

Add the following line to your module's build.gradle:

dependencies {
  // ...
  // Note that `compile` will be deprecated. Use `implementation` instead.
  // See https://stackoverflow.com/a/44409111 for more info
  implementation 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.2'

JSON string:

private String jsonString = "[\n" +
            "        {\n" +
            "                \"id\": \"c200\",\n" +
            "                \"name\": \"Ravi Tamada\",\n" +
            "                \"email\": \"[email protected]\",\n" +
            "                \"address\": \"xx-xx-xxxx,x - street, x - country\",\n" +
            "                \"gender\" : \"male\",\n" +
            "                \"phone\": {\n" +
            "                    \"mobile\": \"+91 0000000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"home\": \"00 000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"office\": \"00 000000\"\n" +
            "                }\n" +
            "        },\n" +
            "        {\n" +
            "                \"id\": \"c201\",\n" +
            "                \"name\": \"Johnny Depp\",\n" +
            "                \"email\": \"[email protected]\",\n" +
            "                \"address\": \"xx-xx-xxxx,x - street, x - country\",\n" +
            "                \"gender\" : \"male\",\n" +
            "                \"phone\": {\n" +
            "                    \"mobile\": \"+91 0000000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"home\": \"00 000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"office\": \"00 000000\"\n" +
            "                }\n" +
            "        },\n" +
            "        {\n" +
            "                \"id\": \"c202\",\n" +
            "                \"name\": \"Leonardo Dicaprio\",\n" +
            "                \"email\": \"[email protected]\",\n" +
            "                \"address\": \"xx-xx-xxxx,x - street, x - country\",\n" +
            "                \"gender\" : \"male\",\n" +
            "                \"phone\": {\n" +
            "                    \"mobile\": \"+91 0000000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"home\": \"00 000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"office\": \"00 000000\"\n" +
            "                }\n" +
            "        },\n" +
            "        {\n" +
            "                \"id\": \"c203\",\n" +
            "                \"name\": \"John Wayne\",\n" +
            "                \"email\": \"[email protected]\",\n" +
            "                \"address\": \"xx-xx-xxxx,x - street, x - country\",\n" +
            "                \"gender\" : \"male\",\n" +
            "                \"phone\": {\n" +
            "                    \"mobile\": \"+91 0000000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"home\": \"00 000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"office\": \"00 000000\"\n" +
            "                }\n" +
            "        },\n" +
            "        {\n" +
            "                \"id\": \"c204\",\n" +
            "                \"name\": \"Angelina Jolie\",\n" +
            "                \"email\": \"[email protected]\",\n" +
            "                \"address\": \"xx-xx-xxxx,x - street, x - country\",\n" +
            "                \"gender\" : \"female\",\n" +
            "                \"phone\": {\n" +
            "                    \"mobile\": \"+91 0000000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"home\": \"00 000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"office\": \"00 000000\"\n" +
            "                }\n" +
            "        },\n" +
            "        {\n" +
            "                \"id\": \"c205\",\n" +
            "                \"name\": \"Dido\",\n" +
            "                \"email\": \"[email protected]\",\n" +
            "                \"address\": \"xx-xx-xxxx,x - street, x - country\",\n" +
            "                \"gender\" : \"female\",\n" +
            "                \"phone\": {\n" +
            "                    \"mobile\": \"+91 0000000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"home\": \"00 000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"office\": \"00 000000\"\n" +
            "                }\n" +
            "        },\n" +
            "        {\n" +
            "                \"id\": \"c206\",\n" +
            "                \"name\": \"Adele\",\n" +
            "                \"email\": \"[email protected]\",\n" +
            "                \"address\": \"xx-xx-xxxx,x - street, x - country\",\n" +
            "                \"gender\" : \"female\",\n" +
            "                \"phone\": {\n" +
            "                    \"mobile\": \"+91 0000000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"home\": \"00 000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"office\": \"00 000000\"\n" +
            "                }\n" +
            "        },\n" +
            "        {\n" +
            "                \"id\": \"c207\",\n" +
            "                \"name\": \"Hugh Jackman\",\n" +
            "                \"email\": \"[email protected]\",\n" +
            "                \"address\": \"xx-xx-xxxx,x - street, x - country\",\n" +
            "                \"gender\" : \"male\",\n" +
            "                \"phone\": {\n" +
            "                    \"mobile\": \"+91 0000000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"home\": \"00 000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"office\": \"00 000000\"\n" +
            "                }\n" +
            "        },\n" +
            "        {\n" +
            "                \"id\": \"c208\",\n" +
            "                \"name\": \"Will Smith\",\n" +
            "                \"email\": \"[email protected]\",\n" +
            "                \"address\": \"xx-xx-xxxx,x - street, x - country\",\n" +
            "                \"gender\" : \"male\",\n" +
            "                \"phone\": {\n" +
            "                    \"mobile\": \"+91 0000000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"home\": \"00 000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"office\": \"00 000000\"\n" +
            "                }\n" +
            "        },\n" +
            "        {\n" +
            "                \"id\": \"c209\",\n" +
            "                \"name\": \"Clint Eastwood\",\n" +
            "                \"email\": \"[email protected]\",\n" +
            "                \"address\": \"xx-xx-xxxx,x - street, x - country\",\n" +
            "                \"gender\" : \"male\",\n" +
            "                \"phone\": {\n" +
            "                    \"mobile\": \"+91 0000000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"home\": \"00 000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"office\": \"00 000000\"\n" +
            "                }\n" +
            "        },\n" +
            "        {\n" +
            "                \"id\": \"c2010\",\n" +
            "                \"name\": \"Barack Obama\",\n" +
            "                \"email\": \"[email protected]\",\n" +
            "                \"address\": \"xx-xx-xxxx,x - street, x - country\",\n" +
            "                \"gender\" : \"male\",\n" +
            "                \"phone\": {\n" +
            "                    \"mobile\": \"+91 0000000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"home\": \"00 000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"office\": \"00 000000\"\n" +
            "                }\n" +
            "        },\n" +
            "        {\n" +
            "                \"id\": \"c2011\",\n" +
            "                \"name\": \"Kate Winslet\",\n" +
            "                \"email\": \"[email protected]\",\n" +
            "                \"address\": \"xx-xx-xxxx,x - street, x - country\",\n" +
            "                \"gender\" : \"female\",\n" +
            "                \"phone\": {\n" +
            "                    \"mobile\": \"+91 0000000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"home\": \"00 000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"office\": \"00 000000\"\n" +
            "                }\n" +
            "        },\n" +
            "        {\n" +
            "                \"id\": \"c2012\",\n" +
            "                \"name\": \"Eminem\",\n" +
            "                \"email\": \"[email protected]\",\n" +
            "                \"address\": \"xx-xx-xxxx,x - street, x - country\",\n" +
            "                \"gender\" : \"male\",\n" +
            "                \"phone\": {\n" +
            "                    \"mobile\": \"+91 0000000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"home\": \"00 000000\",\n" +
            "                    \"office\": \"00 000000\"\n" +
            "                }\n" +
            "        }\n" +
            "    ]";


public class ContactModel {
     public String id;
     public String name;
     public String email;

Code for converting a JSON string to ArrayList<Model>:

Note: You have to import java.lang.reflect.Type;:

// Top of file
import java.lang.reflect.Type;

// ...

private void parseJSON() {
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    Type type = new TypeToken<List<ContactModel>>(){}.getType();
    List<ContactModel> contactList = gson.fromJson(jsonString, type);
    for (ContactModel contact : contactList){
        Log.i("Contact Details", contact.id + "-" + contact.name + "-" + contact.email);

Hope this will help you.

I have fast solution. Just create a file ArrayUtil.java

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;

public class ArrayUtil
    public static ArrayList<Object> convert(JSONArray jArr)
        ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
        try {
            for (int i=0, l=jArr.length(); i<l; i++){
        } catch (JSONException e) {}

        return list;

    public static JSONArray convert(Collection<Object> list)
        return new JSONArray(list);



ArrayList<Object> list = ArrayUtil.convert(jArray);


JSONArray jArr = ArrayUtil.convert(list);

try this way Simply loop through that, building your own array. This code assumes it's an array of strings, it shouldn't be hard to modify to suit your particular array structure.

JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(jsonArrayString);
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i=0; i<jsonArray.length(); i++) {
    list.add( jsonArray.getString(i) );

Instead of converting the JSON string to an ArrayList or even a Map, you can just create a JSONObject itself. This object has the ability to get string values by key, as you want and also to remove objects.

To create a JSONObject from a properly formatted JSON string, you simply call the appropriate constructor.

JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonString);

In Java 8,
