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Convert YYYYMMDD String to Date in Impala





I'm using SQL in Impala to write this query. I'm trying to convert a date string, stored in YYYYMMDD format, into a date format for the purposes of running a query like this:

SELECT datadate, 
FROM database
WHERE datadate >= NOW() - INTERVAL 5 DAY
ORDER BY datadate DESC;

Since the >= NOW() - INTERVAL 5 DAY code won't work with the YYYYMMDD string, I'd like to find a way to convert that into a date format that will work with this type of query. My thought is that it should look something like this (based on similar questions about other SQL query editors), but it's not working in Impala:

SELECT datadate,
       convert(datetime, '20141008', 102) AS session_date
FROM database
WHERE session_date >= NOW() - INTERVAL 5 DAY
ORDER BY session_date DESC;

Anyone know how to do this in Impala?


I finally found a working solution to the problem. None of the attempts using configurations of CAST or CONVERT would work in Impala, but the below query solves the problem and is fully operational, allowing date math to be performed on a column containing string values:

SELECT datadate,
FROM database
WHERE datadate >= from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(now() - interval 5 days), 'yyyyMMdd')
GROUP BY datadate
ORDER BY datadate DESC;
like image 332
nxl4 Avatar asked Oct 08 '15 19:10


People also ask

How do I convert string to date in Impala?

For string to date/time conversions, any separator character in the pattern string would match any separator character in the input expression . For example, CAST(“20191010” AS DATE FORMAT “YYYY-MM-DD”) returns an error, but CAST("2019-.;10 10" AS DATE FORMAT "YYYY-MM-DD") succeeds.

Does Impala support date data type?

The DATE type is available in Impala 3.3 and higher.

How do you convert an int to a date on an Impala?

Use a combination of unix_timestamp and from_unixtime and cast the resultant to timestamp to use the date_add function.

2 Answers

See Timestamp Literals on [Link Updated 2020-08-24]:


You need to add the dashes to your string so Impala will be able to convert it into a date/timestamp. You can do that with something like:

concat_ws('-', substr(datadate,1,4), substr(datadate,5,2), substr(datadate,7) )

which you can use instead of datadate in your expression.

like image 92
Turophile Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 12:10


Native way:

to_timestamp(cast(date_number AS STRING), 'yyyyMMdd')
like image 33
user3331901 Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 12:10
