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Postgresql: Find values in JSON array by wildcard and comparison operators with index

I have a table with JSON array data I'd like to search.


INSERT INTO data (id, json) 
  VALUES (1, '[{"name": "Value A", "value": 10}]');

INSERT INTO data (id, json) 
  VALUES (2, '[{"name": "Value B1", "value": 5}, {"name": "Value B2", "value": 15}]');

As described in this answer, i created a function, which also allows to create an index on the array data (important).

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION json_val_arr(_j json, _key text)
  RETURNS text[] AS
SELECT array_agg(elem->>_key)
FROM   json_array_elements(_j) AS x(elem)

This works nicely if I want to find an entire value (eg. "Value B1"):

FROM data
WHERE '{"Value B1"}'::text[] <@ (json_val_arr(json, 'name'));

Now my questions:

  1. Is it possible to find values with a wildcard (eg. "Value*")? Something like the following (naive) approach:

    WHERE '{"Value%"}'::text[] <@ (json_val_arr(json, 'name'));
  2. Is it possible to find numeric values with comparison operators (eg. >= 10)? Again, a naive and obviously wrong approach:

    WHERE '{10}'::int[] >= (json_val_arr(json, 'value'));

    I tried to create a new function returning int[] but that did not work.

I created a SQL Fiddle to illustrate my problem.

Or would it be better to use a different approach like the following working queries:

FROM data,
   json_array_elements(json) jsondata
WHERE jsondata ->> 'name' LIKE 'Value%';


WHERE cast(jsondata ->> 'value' as integer) <= 10;

However, for these queries, I was not able to create any index that was actually picked up by the queries.

Also, I'd like to implement all this in Postgresql 9.4 with JSONB eventually, but I think for the above questions this should not be an issue.

Thank you very much!

like image 753
lukas Avatar asked Jul 31 '14 13:07


1 Answers

I know its been a while but I was just chugging on something similar (using wild cards to query json datatypes) and thought I'd share what I found.

Firstly, this was a huge point in the right direction: http://schinckel.net/2014/05/25/querying-json-in-postgres/

The take away is that your method of exploding the json element into something else (a record-set) is the way to go. It lets you query the json elements with normal postgres stuff.

In my case:

    ID | jsonb_column
     1 | {"name": "", "value": "reserved", "expires_in": 13732}
     2 | {"name": "poop", "value": "{\"ns\":[\"Whaaat.\"]}", "expires_in": 4554} 
     3 | {"name": "dog", "value": "{\"ns\":[\"woof.\"]}", "expires_in": 4554} 

Example Query

select * from test jsonb_to_recordset(x) where jsonb_column->>'name' like '%o%';

# => Returns
# 2 | {"name": "poop", "value": "{\"ns\":[\"Whaaat.\"]}", "expires_in": 4554}

And to answer your question about jsonb: It looks like jsonb is the better route MOST of the time. It has more methods and faster read (but slower write) times.


  • http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/functions-json.html
  • http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/datatype-json.html

Happy hunting!

like image 58
William Dembinski Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 02:11

William Dembinski