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Convert json to a C# array?

Does anyone know how to convert a string which contains json into a C# array. I have this which reads the text/json from a webBrowser and stores it into a string.

string docText = webBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerText; 

Just need to somehow change that json string into an array. Been looking at Json.NET but I'm not sure if that's what I need, as I don't want to change an array into json; but the other way around. Thanks for the help!

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Joey Morani Avatar asked Mar 06 '12 15:03

Joey Morani

People also ask

What is JSON C#?

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is language-independent, easy to understand and self-describing. It is used as an alternative to XML. JSON is very popular nowadays. JSON represents objects in structured text format and data stored in key-value pairs.

How can I convert JSON to string?

Use the JavaScript function JSON. stringify() to convert it into a string. const myJSON = JSON. stringify(obj);

1 Answers

just take the string and use the JavaScriptSerializer to deserialize it into a native object. For example, having this json:

string json = "[{Name:'John Simith',Age:35},{Name:'Pablo Perez',Age:34}]";  

You'd need to create a C# class called, for example, Person defined as so:

public class Person {  public int Age {get;set;}  public string Name {get;set;} } 

You can now deserialize the JSON string into an array of Person by doing:

JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); Person [] persons =  js.Deserialize<Person[]>(json); 

Here's a link to JavaScriptSerializer documentation.

Note: my code above was not tested but that's the idea Tested it. Unless you are doing something "exotic", you should be fine using the JavascriptSerializer.

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Icarus Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 02:09
