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Convert interval to minutes



Let's suppose I have 2 intervals:


What is the most elegant way to get amount of minutes in each interval. 30 and 240 accordingly.

Yes, I know I can perform EXTRACT(HOUR FROM interval) * 60 + EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM interval), but this looks terrible to me.

Any better solutions?

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zerkms Avatar asked Feb 21 '11 07:02


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1 Answers

What looks terrible to you, looks perfectly acceptable to me. If you look at the documentation at the arithmetic you can perform on INTERVALs:


then you see you can multiply them with numerics. So if you multiply your intervals to 24 and 60, you can get the number of minutes by extracting the number of days. It's more compact, but I doubt if it's more elegant in your view.

SQL> create table t (my_interval interval day to second)
  2  /

Table created.

SQL> insert into t
  2  select numtodsinterval(30,'minute') from dual union all
  3  select numtodsinterval(4,'hour') from dual
  4  /

2 rows created.

SQL> select my_interval
  2       , 60 * extract(hour from my_interval)
  3         + extract(minute from my_interval) minutes_terrible_way
  4       , extract(day from 24*60*my_interval) minutes_other_way
  5    from t
  6  /

------------------------------ -------------------- -----------------
+00 00:30:00.000000                              30                30
+00 04:00:00.000000                             240               240

2 rows selected.


like image 108
Rob van Wijk Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09

Rob van Wijk