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Operator precedence in regular expressions

What is the default operator precedence in Oracle's regular expressions when they don't contain parentheses?

For example, given


would it be evaluated as H|h and then concatenated to a as in ((H|h)a), or would the H be alternated with ha as in (H|(ha))?

Also, when does the + kick in, etc.?

like image 325
Kenny Avatar asked Apr 26 '16 16:04


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(i) The regular expression operators have the following order of precedence (in decreasing order): star, concatenation, union.

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A regular expression describes a language using three operations. A regular expression (RE) describes a language. It uses the three regular operations. These are called union/or, concatenation and star.

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1 Answers

Given the Oracle doc:

Table 4-2 lists the list of metacharacters supported for use in regular expressions passed to SQL regular expression functions and conditions. These metacharacters conform to the POSIX standard; any differences in behavior from the standard are noted in the "Description" column.

And taking a look at the | value in that table:

The expression a|b matches character a or character b.

Plus taking a look at the POSIX doc:

Operator precedence The order of precedence for of operators is as follows:

  1. Collation-related bracket symbols [==] [::] [..]

  2. Escaped characters \

  3. Character set (bracket expression) []

  4. Grouping ()

  5. Single-character-ERE duplication * + ? {m,n}

  6. Concatenation

  7. Anchoring ^$

  8. Alternation |

I would say that H|ha+ would be the same as (?:H|ha+).

like image 145
Thomas Ayoub Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 03:10

Thomas Ayoub