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Convert an NSURL to an NSString

I have an app where the user can choose an image either from the built-in app images or from the iphone photo library. I use an object Occasion that has an NSString property to save the imagePath.

Now in the case of the built-in app images I do get the file name as an NSString an save in the [occasion imagePath]. But in the 2nd case where the user picks an image form the photo library I get an NSURL which I want to convert to an NSString to be able to save it in [occasion imagePath].

Is it possible to convert the NSURL to an NSString?

like image 414
Ali Avatar asked Nov 10 '11 16:11


1 Answers

In Objective-C:

NSString *myString = myURL.absoluteString; 

In Swift:

var myString = myURL.absoluteString 

More info in the docs:

like image 122
Randall Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10
