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Convert an array of Ints to a comma separated string [duplicate]

I know that if I want to convert an array of Ints to a String, I do this:


but I cannot figure out how would I convert an array of Ints to a comma separated String

like image 514
Lauren Eccles Avatar asked May 04 '17 05:05

Lauren Eccles

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How to get a comma separated string from an array in C#? We can get a comma-separated string from an array using String. Join() method. In the same way, we can get a comma-separated string from the integer array.

1 Answers

Well you can do it like :

let formattedArray = ([0,1,1,0].map{String($0)}).joined(separator: ",") 
like image 84
ankit Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09
