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Convert a PKCS#8 private key to PEM in java

Hello everyone I'm trying to convert a PKCS#8 private key that I generate in my java program to a PEM encoded file.

Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
SecureRandom rand = new SecureRandom();
JDKKeyPairGenerator.RSA keyPairGen = new JDKKeyPairGenerator.RSA();        
keyPairGen.initialize(2048, rand);
KeyPair keyPair = keyPairGen.generateKeyPair();

PEMWriter privatepemWriter = new PEMWriter(new FileWriter(new File(dir + "private.key")));

After running the program I have the private key in both formats and a public key(the code isn't shown as it works). I then use this openssl command to conver the private.key back to a pem formated file.

openssl pkcs8 -nocrypt -inform DER -in private.key -out private2.pem

When I compare private.pem and private2.pem they are different and obviously when I try to use private.pem it says it's not a valid file.

What step am I missing in order to properly convert this private key into the PEM format that I need? I can't use OpenSSL from within my program, otherwise I would simply add that function call. I have access to BouncyCastle libs in this program, so maybe it has a solution I'm overlooking.

like image 868
Hiro2k Avatar asked Aug 24 '10 23:08


People also ask

What is PKCS format?

PKCS#12 (also known as PKCS12 or PFX) is a binary format for storing a certificate chain and private key in a single, encryptable file. PKCS#12 files are commonly used to import and export certificates and private keys on Windows and macOS computers, and usually have the filename extensions . p12 or .

2 Answers

You can use the PEMWriter class in Bouncycastle.

like image 100
President James K. Polk Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 03:09

President James K. Polk

The fact that OpenSSL uses it's own format is really the only thing that makes this challenging. Thankfully the bouncy castle PEMWriter makes this easy, but the interface isn't very well documented. I found some code by searching through the mailing list. I've adapted it below:

KeyPairGenerator keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
KeyPair keyPair = keyGen.generateKeyPair(); 
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
PEMWriter pemWriter = new PEMWriter(stringWriter);  
pemWriter.writeObject( keyPair.getPrivate());
privateKeyString = stringWriter.toString();
like image 24
gflarity Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 03:09
