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Conventions for accessor methods (getters and setters) in C++

From my perspective as sitting with 4 million lines of C++ code (and that's just one project) from a maintenance perspective I would say:

  • It's ok to not use getters/setters if members are immutable (i.e. const) or simple with no dependencies (like a point class with members X and Y).

  • If member is private only it's also ok to skip getters/setters. I also count members of internal pimpl-classes as private if the .cpp unit is smallish.

  • If member is public or protected (protected is just as bad as public) and non-const, non-simple or has dependencies then use getters/setters.

As a maintenance guy my main reason for wanting to have getters/setters is because then I have a place to put break points / logging / something else.

I prefer the style of alternative 2. as that's more searchable (a key component in writing maintainable code).

2) is the best IMO, because it makes your intentions clearest. set_amount(10) is more meaningful than amount(10), and as a nice side effect allows a member named amount.

Public variables is usually a bad idea, because there's no encapsulation. Suppose you need to update a cache or refresh a window when a variable is updated? Too bad if your variables are public. If you have a set method, you can add it there.

  1. I never use this style. Because it can limit the future of your class design and explicit geters or setters are just as efficient with a good compilers.

    Of course, in reality inline explicit getters or setters create just as much underlying dependency on the class implementation. THey just reduce semantic dependency. You still have to recompile everything if you change them.

  2. This is my default style when I use accessor methods.

  3. This style seems too 'clever' to me. I do use it on rare occasions, but only in cases where I really want the accessor to feel as much as possible like a variable.

I do think there is a case for simple bags of variables with possibly a constructor to make sure they're all initialized to something sane. When I do this, I simply make it a struct and leave it all public.

  1. That is a good style if we just want to represent pure data.

  2. I don't like it :) because get_/set_ is really unnecessary when we can overload them in C++.

  3. STL uses this style, such as std::streamString::str and std::ios_base::flags, except when it should be avoided! when? When method's name conflicts with other type's name, then get_/set_ style is used, such as std::string::get_allocator because of std::allocator.

In general, I feel that it is not a good idea to have too many getters and setters being used by too many entities in the system. It is just an indication of a bad design or wrong encapsulation.

Having said that, if such a design needs to be refactored, and the source code is available, I would prefer to use the Visitor Design pattern. The reason is:

a. It gives a class an opportunity to decide whom to allow access to its private state

b. It gives a class an opportunity to decide what access to allow to each of the entities who are interested in its private state

c. It clearly documents such exteral access via a clear class interface

Basic idea is:

a) Redesign if possible else,

b) Refactor such that

  1. All access to class state is via a well known individualistic interface

  2. It should be possible to configure some kind of do's and don'ts to each such interface, e.g. all access from external entity GOOD should be allowed, all access from external entity BAD should be disallowed, and external entity OK should be allowed to get but not set (for example)

  1. I would not exclude accessors from use. May for some POD structures, but I consider them a good thing (some accessors might have additional logic, too).

  2. It doesn't realy matters the naming convention, if you are consistent in your code. If you are using several third party libraries, they might use different naming conventions anyway. So it is a matter of taste.

I've seen the idealization of classes instead of integral types to refer to meaningful data.

Something like this below is generally not making good use of C++ properties:

struct particle {
    float mass;
    float acceleration;
    float velocity;
} p;

Why? Because the result of p.mass*p.acceleration is a float and not force as expected.

The definition of classes to designate a purpose (even if it's a value, like amount mentioned earlier) makes more sense, and allow us to do something like:

struct amount
    int value;

    amount() : value( 0 ) {}
    amount( int value0 ) : value( value0 ) {}
    operator int()& { return value; }
    operator int()const& { return value; }
    amount& operator = ( int const newvalue )
        value = newvalue;
        return *this;

You can access the value in amount implicitly by the operator int. Furthermore:

struct wage
    amount balance;

    operator amount()& { return balance; }
    operator amount()const& { return balance; }
    wage& operator = ( amount const&  newbalance )
        balance = newbalance;
        return *this;

Getter/Setter usage:

void wage_test()
    wage worker;
    (amount&)worker = 100; // if you like this, can remove = operator
    worker = amount(105);  // an alternative if the first one is too weird
    int value = (amount)worker; // getting amount is more clear

This is a different approach, doesn't mean it's good or bad, but different.