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controlling which project header file Xcode will include

My Xcode project builds to variations of the same product using two targets. The difference between the two is only on which version of an included library is used. For the .c source files it's easy to assign the correct version to the correct target using the target check box. However, including the header file always includes the same one. This is correct for one target, but wrong for the other one.

Is there a way to control which header file is included by each target?

Here is my project file hierarchy (which is replicated in Xcode):


and myCode.cpp does thing such as:

#include "theirLib.h"

And of course, I define OLDVERSION for one target and not for the other.

Note the #include must be as shown. Both of the following fail with a file not found error:

#include "TheirOldLib/theirLib.h"
#include "TheirNewLib/theirLib.h"

So is there a way to tell Xcode which theirLib.h to include per target?

- the two header files have the same name. As a last resort, I could rename one of them, but I'd rather avoid that as this will lead to major hair pulling on the other platforms.
- having to change the #include to add a reference to the enclosing folder is also something I'd rather avoid, because I would need to do it twice with a conditional compile directive.
- I'm free to tweak my project as I otherwise see fit

Thanks for any help.

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Jean-Denis Muys Avatar asked Apr 07 '10 23:04

Jean-Denis Muys

People also ask

How do I open a header file in Xcode?

Holding the Command key, click the import/include statement to view the header. Also, you can Command-click on a symbol to jump to the header file that defines it.

What is .h file in Xcode?

h, which is called the header file. The implementation section goes into MyClass. m, which is called the implementation file. The separation into two files is not inconvenient, because Xcode, expecting you to follow this convention, makes it easy to jump from editing a . h file to the corresponding .

Can you use include in a header file?

You make the declarations in a header file, then use the #include directive in every . cpp file or other header file that requires that declaration. The #include directive inserts a copy of the header file directly into the . cpp file prior to compilation.

2 Answers

The key part of the answer is to use USE_HEADERMAP = NO as suggested by Chris in a comment. Here are the details.

Short recipe (checked in Xcode 3.2.2):

  1. add a custom build setting of USE_HEADERMAP = NO for each concerned target. Here is how:
    1.1. Open the target's info panel on the "Build" pane.
    1.2. Pull down the action pop-up menu at the bottom left of the window, select "Add User-Defined Setting".
    1.3. In the newly added line, set the first column ("Setting") to USE_HEADERMAP, and the second column ("Value") to NO.

  2. add the correct include path to each target (target Build settings "Header Search Paths"). In my example that would be:
    2.1. add TheirOldLib for "old" target
    2.2. add TheirNewLib for "new" target

Step 1 disables the automatic header map feature of Xcode, through which any header file included in the project is directly accessible through its name, whatever its actual path. When two headers have the same name, this feature leads to an unresolvable ambiguity.

Step 2 allows for the #include "theirLib.h" to work without qualifying the header file actual path name.

These two steps together fulfill my two constraints.

Finally, USE_HEADERMAP is not documented by Apple, as far as I can tell. I'll fill a bug report for that, as this setting is crucial in a number of cases, as googling for it reveals. Reported as rdar://7840694. Also on open Radar as http://openradar.appspot.com/radar?id=253401

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Jean-Denis Muys Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 14:10

Jean-Denis Muys

USE_HEADERMAP=NO is overkill for some projects. It might be enough to just use HEADERMAP_INCLUDES_FLAT_ENTRIES_FOR_TARGET_BEING_BUILT=NO.

Documentation here:

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bleater Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10
