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Swift using if on an enum resulting in error not convertible to '_ArrayCastKind'




I'm using Beta 3 of xcode 6, and I am having a problem doing a simple if statement against an enum passed into an argument of a closure. Here is the simple enum definition:

enum FLSTeslaLoginStatus {
    case LoggedOut
    case LoggedIn
    case LoggingIn
    case LoginFailed(NSData!, NSHTTPURLResponse!, NSError)

And the code with the error is:

enter image description here

As you can see the switch statement works fine, but the if check is resulting in the error. This is just some test code so I won't normally have a switch and an if statement, but I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with the if statement. I'm thinking it is a compiler bug.

This is supported in Swift 2.0 with the use of "if case".

like image 693
Tod Cunningham Avatar asked Jul 10 '14 03:07

Tod Cunningham

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2 Answers

Swift 2.x allows this via the if case pattern match: https://www.natashatherobot.com/swift-2-pattern-matching-with-if-case/

if case let .LoggedIn(name,password) = status  {
   print( "\(name) Logged in!" )
like image 87
Tod Cunningham Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09

Tod Cunningham

At this time (iOS8 Beta 4) it seems you need to fully-quality the enum value when doing an == comparison.


if (taskSortOrder == TaskSortOrder.Name) {

Error: "TaskSortOrder' is not convertible to 'Selector'"

if (taskSortOrder == .Name) {
like image 28
Michael Peterson Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 07:09

Michael Peterson