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continuations as meaningful comprehensions

Monads may be construed as forms of containers:

  • list : aggregation of items from a given type
  • bag : unordered aggregation
  • set : unordered aggregation that ignores multiplicity
  • Maybe : aggregation of at-most one item
  • Reader e : aggregations of cardinality |e|

I am wondering how continuations are interpreted in this view as forms of packages / containers, in a meaningful fashion. Thanks!

like image 853
Musa Al-hassy Avatar asked Aug 21 '15 16:08

Musa Al-hassy

1 Answers

I like to think of continuations as programs with holes in them. I think I originally gleaned this insight from Tekmo's blog.

Check out this little continuation:

import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont

program :: ContT () IO Char
program = ContT $ \doThing -> do
  c <- getChar
  doThing c

It's a program that's 'missing a piece' - namely, what to do with the Char retrieved from getChar. We can run it by filling the missing piece with something like putChar; evaluating the continuation via runContT program putChar will get a character and then print it to stdout.

If you're comfortable with representing programs by abstract syntax trees the container analogy might be intuitive.

To make it clearer, you can build up a little AST containing a DoThing term that represents a hole that needs to be filled:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

import Control.Monad.Free

data ExprF a =
    GetChar (Char -> a)
  | DoThing Char a
  deriving Functor

type Expr = Free ExprF

getChar' :: Expr Char
getChar' = liftF (GetChar id)

doThing' :: Char -> Expr ()
doThing' c = liftF (DoThing c ())

program' :: Expr ()
program' = do
  c <- getChar'
  doThing' c

program' is hopefully more clearly a container; to run it we need to process the AST in a similar fashion as we would any other recursive container:

eval :: Expr () -> (Char -> IO ()) -> IO ()
eval prog f = iterM alg prog where
  alg (GetChar k)   = getChar >>= k
  alg (DoThing c k) = f c >> k

Evaluating program' via eval program' putChar is analogous to running program via runContT program putChar.

like image 99
jtobin Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09
