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Context URL cannot be empty - Artifactory Gradle Plugin

I'm trying to get to the Artifactory Gradle plugin working to publish to my local Artifactory instance.

I have the latest version (default install) running at localhost:8081/artifactory. I can verify this with access via a webbrowser.

However, with my bare minimum example .. I am getting a "Context URL cannot be found error

Note that I have specified all the mandatory required Artifactory configurations settings - (as indicated on the Artifactory Gradle WebPage) .. including the Context URL.

buildscript {
  repositories{ maven { url 'http://repo.jfrog.org/artifactory/gradle-plugins' } }
  dependencies{ classpath 'org.jfrog.buildinfo:build-info-extractor-gradle:2.0.12'}

apply plugin: 'artifactory'

artifactory {
  contextUrl = 'http://localhost:8081/artifactory'   //The base Artifactory URL if not overridden by the publisher/resolver
  publish {
    repository {
      repoKey = 'integration-libs'   //The Artifactory repository key to publish to
      username = 'admin'          //The publisher user name
      password = 'password'
  resolve {
    repository {
      repoKey = 'libs-releases'  //The Artifactory (preferably virtual) repository key to resolve from
like image 904
vicsz Avatar asked Apr 04 '12 18:04


People also ask

What is Artifactory build info?

The build-info includes the list of project modules, artifacts, dependencies, environment variables and more. When using one of the JFrog clients to build the code, the client can collect the build-info and publish it to Artifactory.

1 Answers

This looks like a weird bug and I'm not sure what causes it. I get it in some of my gradle build files but others seem to work fine. I fixed it by defining the contextUrl again inside the publish element, so your script will now look like:

artifactory {
  contextUrl = 'http://localhost:8081/artifactory'   //The base Artifactory URL if not overridden by the publisher/resolver
  publish {
    contextUrl = 'http://localhost:8081/artifactory' // <- this is the fix
    repository {
      repoKey = 'integration-libs'   //The Artifactory repository key to publish to
      username = 'admin'          //The publisher user name
      password = 'password'
  resolve {
    repository {
      repoKey = 'libs-releases'  //The Artifactory (preferably virtual) repository key to resolve from

You might also have to define it again inside the resolve element.

like image 192
Umi Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 06:10
