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content-security-policy meta tag for allowing web socket

Situation: autoreload of phonegap serve blocked by content-security-policy meta tag

Adding content security policy prevents auto-reload of phonegap serve utility. This is built on top of cordova serve but auto-reloads the app on file editing. It works by injecting socket.io in index.html. What should I specify in my CSP meta tag that will allow socket connections to my laptop.

Here is my current CSP meta tag:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' * ws:* ; connect-src ws:// ws:*"> 

However on opening, the device keeps showing "Connecting to device" and not event is received on the device.

Also note that it starts working on removing this meta tag which mean the cordova-plugin-whitelist might not be blocking it.

like image 665
cnvzmxcvmcx Avatar asked Oct 07 '15 07:10


People also ask

What is WSS in CSP?

data: allows data: URIs to be used as a style source. https: allows resources loaded over HTTPS. wss: allows web socket connections. 'unsafe-inline' allows the use of inline resources such as event handlers, URLs, and styles.

How do I set the Content-Security-Policy header in HTML?

To add this custom meta tag, you can go to www.yourStore.com/Admin/Setting/GeneralCommon and find Custom <head> tag and add this as shown in the image below. Content Security Policy protects against Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and other forms of attacks such as ClickJacking.

1 Answers

To add web sockets to the security policy you add the web socket protocol (ws:) to the connect-src directive.

connect-src 'self' ws:;

Optionally, you can add the ws: protocol to the default-src and omit connect-src. Here is a useful example that enables most local development needs while still providing useful security constraints.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy"
      content="default-src 'self' data: gap: ws: ssl.gstatic.com 'unsafe-inline';">

The documentation for content security policy is surprisingly good and easy to read.

like image 134
Scott Boring Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 13:01

Scott Boring