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Connect to specific SSIDfor iPhone using QR code

There are several sites generating a QR code to connect to a specific wi-fi network for Android: e.g. http://www.barcode.com/qrcode.html?view=qrcode

I am looking for similar feature for iPhone. Any ideas?

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vnew Avatar asked Jul 23 '11 10:07


1 Answers

There are multiple standards out there. The one you showed above, and the one proposed by ZXing (https://github.com/zxing/zxing/wiki/Barcode-Contents#wifi-network-config-android) are some examples.

iOS does not allow apps direct access to the Wi-Fi settings so the only way to achieve this would be to generate a provisioning profile for iOS and have the devices visit that (you will need to different barcoes for Android and for iOS). This website shows that being done: http://getonmywifi.com/signup/

Update: As of iOS 11, the built-in camera can recognize the Wi-Fi codes as proposed by ZXing and use them to connect to Wi-Fi.

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Steltek Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 11:10
