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Connect to AWS ElastiCache with In-Transit Encryption

ElastiCache with encryption uses TLS to communicate with redis client, yet as I've seen redis clients in all languages (ioredis, predis, go-redis) require a pem file when configuring the client to us TLS.

How can I connect to Elasticache with in-transit encryption without given the ceritificate for the TLS?

like image 595
Nick Ginanto Avatar asked Dec 04 '17 13:12

Nick Ginanto

People also ask

How do I connect to an Amazon ElastiCache in transit encryption enabled Redis node using Redis CLI?

Enabling in-transit encryption on a cluster for Redis (Cluster Mode Enabled) (CLI) Use the AWS CLI operation create-replication-group and the following parameters to create a Redis (cluster mode enabled) replication group that has in-transit encryption enabled: Key parameters: --engine —Must be redis .

How do I connect to AWS ElastiCache?

Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the ElastiCache console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/elasticache/ . From the navigation pane, choose Redis clusters. The clusters screen will appear with a list of Redis (cluster mode disabled) and Redis (cluster mode enabled) clusters.

How do I connect to ElastiCache locally?

Choose the box to the left of default security group. From the list at the bottom of the screen, choose the EC2 Security Group Name you want to authorize. To authorize access, choose Add. Amazon EC2 instances that are associated with the security group are now authorized to connect to your ElastiCache cluster.

Does Redis support encryption at rest?

ElastiCache for Redis offers default (service managed) encryption at rest, as well as ability to use your own symmetric customer managed AWS KMS keys in AWS Key Management Service (KMS). The default (service managed) encryption is the only option available in the GovCloud (US) Regions.

1 Answers

solution - no certificate is needed, just to enable TLS in the client (ioredis for example is just to have tls: {}

like image 87
Nick Ginanto Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 22:09

Nick Ginanto